So I updated my computers to OS X Maverick. In this version OS X removes the support for TWAIN scanner drivers. Unfortunately, this meant that my scanner, a Canon Pixma MP800 multifunctional, which comes with a TWAIN driver, would not be usable for me on my updated systems.
After messing around a lot, I figured that TWAIN support in the previous OS X versions was done through an “application” called TWAINBridge. Lucky as we are, we can use the TWAINBridge from Mountain Lion in Mavericks, and continue to use our old TWAIN scanner drivers. is located in /System/Library/Image Capture/Devices/.
To be able to easily fix this problem in the future I created an installer package that installs in the proper location. In addition to this package, installation of the actual TWAIN scanner driver is needed. In the case of the MP800, this is the latest version of the scanner driver (for OS X Lion), located on the Canon support pages.
If this has somehow been of help, it would be great if you leave a comment :)
Troubleshooting: Did you try plugging it out and in again?
(Update): El Capitan (tldnr, it’s not working):
I’ve tried this install with El Capitan, and like most of you it fails. There are two problems:
1. With the new El Capitan theres is a new feature called System Integrity Protection (SIP). This is what causes the error most of you are seeing, as it is not longer allowed to make any changes to the file location TWAINBridge has to be installed. It is possible to disable SIP, which makes it possible to install TWAINBridge. This is however more complicated than just installing a package.
2. TWAINBridge installs fine when disabling SIP. It does however not seem to work out-of-the-box like the previous versions. There might be some changes in how OS X works with regards to this. I am probably not going to pursue this issue very much.
I am not sure as I have not checked this myself. Canons support site has a driver listed for Mavericks for the 4400F (). It seems to be a TWAIN driver though, so if it doesn’t work I would try installing TWAINBridge. Would be great to hear your results.
Works on my Canoscan 8800F on 10.10.2. Much appreciated.
Works with Yosemite 10.10.3 and a HP Scant 4200c
Thanks a lot!
I have an CANON 8800F SCANNER. I installed the CANAON MAC DRIVER PKG (dmg). The Scanner shows up as a Device in FINDER. But Scanner is not listed in either the SYSTEMS/PRINTER-SCANNER Preference PAGE or IMAGE CAPTURE.
The Device functions in PARRALLELS WIN7 PC. My Device is MACMini (Late 2014) YOSIMITE 10.10.4.
Will this Solution Thread resolve this Problem?
There are some limitations.
The driver fix will enable you to run Canoscan 8800F with Image Capture (Mac App) on Yosemite. You cannot use Photoshop Elements 13 to call up the scanner. Photoshop does not see it (curiously it will see a later driver from Canon Pixma MG5400 series of printers/scanners). I have an older version of Photoshop Elements (Ver 6) that still calls up the scanner in Yosemite.
One more comment…You can use the Canon MP Navigator EX (others have pointed out the latest version 1.08) to open the full scanner software and run the Cancan 8800F. To do this: Open MP Navigator>Scan/Import link > Photos/Documents link > Open Scanner driver. You’ll need to go into preferences and select where you the image to go. I believe it will save the image as jpg (no tiff option as with Photoshop).
Same here, works with my CanoScan 8800F on 10.9.5. Thanks for the help!!
Works with Yosemite 10.10.2 and a Canon LiDE 500f space-saving scanner. Installer works a treat: does what it says. I am surprised Apple had not thought of including this feature.
I forgot to add that I am using Hamrick’s VueScan 9.5.07.
Vuescan is using its own drivers, I think in all cases. The Twainbridge fix is not to thank if this is only working in Vuescan :P
Hi Jan
I have used VueScan for years with Snow Leopard and its drivers worked well with my 3 scanners. When I updated to Yosemite I found VueScan would not work at all, it would not even detect my main scanner, a LiDE 500f. I suspected that TWAINbridge might be a ‘missing link’ so I installed it. Now Yosemite detects my scanners and VueScan works as before.
You say the VueScan has its own drivers so that TWAINbridge is unnecessary. This may well be true, in which case how has the installation of TWAINbridge helped Yosemite detect my scanners?
Regards Phil
Probably just because I somehow am wrong. I do think vuescan has some included drivers at least.
Works with OS X 10.10.3 and a Canon LIDE 60 (2005) using Preview.
Thanks for this
Works great for me with the 500f too! Thank you :)
Also, I’m using Canon’s own drivers that they say stopped working after Snow Leopard. I just use OS X’s Image Capture app to scan.
On Yosemite it works great for the CanoScan 4400F! Thank you!!
My configuration:
iMac 2.7Ghz Intel Core i5 8Gb
Running PSX Yosemite
Version 10.10.4
Scanner: Mustek A3 2400S Large Format Scanner (11×17) plus
After installing the TwainBridge Maverick Fix, my VueScan App and Google Picasa App will not work. (They lock up) If I unplug the scanner, everything returns to “normal”. Both apps worked previous to installing TwinBridge.
I need an app with the capability of VueScan that will work with my scanner. I MUST have the large format scanner and the Mustek A3 2400S is the only one that is affordable.
1.) If there is no solution to my issue, could you provide instructions on how to UNINSTALL the TwainBridge Maverick Fix?
2.) Could you or someone reading this recommend software comparable to VueScan that will natively support a twain driver. I HAVE been able to use the “Image Capture” and “Image Acquire” software with no apparent issue with the twain driver supplied by Mustek.
1) In order to uninstall you delete the file /System/Library/Image Capture/Devices/
2) I have mainly used ImageCapture myself. Some people have reported using photoshop or the canoscan toolbox, I haven’t really tried any of these myself. Which features are you missing in Image Capture? I haven’t really used VueScan at all myself.
There is also another solution you could try, using the TwainSANE drivers, I don’t know if your scanner is supported or not though. It is described in this blog post:
How about MacOS Sierra?
Non of these will work so far with my Canon CanoScan FS4000US film scanner.
Please help if you can. It runs on 32Bit Twain-compliant program like Photoshop LE for Windows XP or MacOS-Tiger
Just fixed the issue for my CanoScan 4400F. Thanks!
It would be courteous and helpful to others struggling with
Apples unbelievably arrogant way to treat its paying customers!
I’m using El Crapitan now and that totally blocks the installation. On a iMac where it was already installe the fix still works with some programs (CanonTollbox 5.0) and no longer with others (PDFScanner).
For the also crippled Disk Utility there is a solution on the net where somebody found a way to change one byte in the program to give the O.K. For installation when the version id NOT correct, thus fooling Apples Security Whatever.
Anybody willing and able to find that for TWAIN Bridge Fix?
Unfortunately that goes bejond my coding capabilities.
Here you go brother. Installed all the lbraries compiled for Yosemite. There is also a specific El Capitan version, and given the feedback it works better than the version for Yosemite, which requires all the libraries, the TWAIN interface in the link above, AND the OR TwainBridge Maverick Fix (for Yosemite).
In the link above you WILL find a version for El Capitan. Those are basically generic SANE libraries and TWAIN interface and together, they work as a driver for EVERY TWAIN compatible scanners. My very old Cancan N650U is recognized.
Please note that your scanner will not show up in the list of installed equipment witth any icon. You need to click on the “+” button on your “Print and scan” preference. If everything works you will see a piece of equipment names “SANE”. This is the generic name since it is a generic driver. “SANE” actually is your scanner. Click on it and onto the “ADD”. You will see the SANE logo.
You can now try your scanner with Photoshop, any scanner utility shareware, or with the preview function available in the OS.
If it still doesn’t work, you might want to uninstall other drivers to avoid confusion inside your system.
If it still doesn’t work, you can buy the software VueScan which already as ALL the drivers implemented of about all the scanners in the world. It cost 20.95$ if I’m correct.
But save yourself 20 bucks and download the El Capitan package of 3 libraries and 1 interface in the right order, restart your computer and don’t overlook the “SANE” scanner name.
On Yosemite it works great for the CanoScan 4400F! Thank you Jan Egil!!!
Yes, working with CanoScan 4400F immediately on OS X Yosemite! Thanks, superb !
I have the same scanner but in my macbook does not work, can you tell me step by step what shall I do thanks a lot. greeting
Do what it says in the webpage. Download and install the most recent TWAIN drivers you find from canons website for the scanner. Then install twainbridge that you download here.
Thanks for your efforts. I am not able to get my Canon 4400F to work. I have tried installing the latest driver from canon — for 10.9 OS (they do not have drivers for 10.10 Yosemite). I installed this fix. Scanner is not recognized. Tried installing Canon Toolbox, it allowed me to do settings ONCE and then would not work. Now simply doesn’t work. I tried vuescan and that doesn’t work either it triggers a response but no scan (and it tells me I need the most recent driver which I have already installed). Can someone help or should I go to the dump? How exactly do you activate the scanner if it’s not recognized?
thanks so much in advance
Make sure you try reinstalling both the driver and Twainbridge and do a reboot
Sorry, but not working with MP530, I wish it can scan, but it not.
I have this working on OS X 10.10.1 with the MP530. Preview picks up the scanner
Same here. Within minutes I had the MP530 scanner working again under latest Yosemite. I installed TwainBridge and then latest Twain driver (2012) downloaded from Canon. Thank you!!
Thank you very much… working under Yosemite 10.10.2
Fantastic. Normal and batch scanning back working on my MP530 under 10.10.2 in under 2 minutes. Many, many thanks.
Thanks for making this available so many, janegil.
I’m running 10.10.2, MP530. I’m able to scan from “Scan with scanner driver”. That’s new to me, though. Up until now I was using the old Lion drivers to keep her playing with Mavericks and everything worked normally.
Since the Yosemite update, the standard “Scan photo/document” and “Batch Scanning” options don’t work properly. If either are selected the scan works fine, but the “What do you want to do with the image” menu doesn’t work. The “send” and “Save” options are visible but clicking on them does nothing. All the other menu options are just blank.
Anybody else seeing this? Alan? Marshall?
Can someone step through this for me? I just switched to 10.10.2 and when I tried to open TwainBridge my system says “TwainBridge Maverick Fix.pkg” can’t be opened because it is from an unidentified developer. Can someone help me fix this. I don’t want to buy another scanner. I just bought this one.
sorry! Yes I am on a Canon MP530.
Ok! I’m all set! Thanks for this post. I figured out the problem. ALL is scanning. I’m grateful for the big brains!!
It runs on OS X 10.10.1 with the Canon LiDE 35!
Thank you very, very much, it’s great!
I have 10.10.2 and a Lide 35. I’ve installed the fix but it’s not recognised in Image Capture. Did you have to install a Twain driver as well? If so, which one? Can you point me in the right direction to find it?
I’m not sure but would guess Go to drivers and download the snow leopard one
Works for the canon 670U also! Great, thank you so much
Thanks a mill! Worked a treat with Yosemite. and the CanoScan liDE 70
Yosemite – Canon Lide 70
Thank you sooo much! I was just about to sell my scanner and buy a new one as I’d already pulled out my hair when Mavericks arrived. Works like a treat with Image Capture! Keep up the great work!
Canon LIDE 70 on 10.10.1 OSX Yos
Another happy and grateful Lide 70 user,
this time on 10.10.2
Having trouble scanning via image capture and photoshop cc since upgrading to Mavericks. Using an Epson V700 Photo with latest drivers for Yosemite. Image Capture and PS both recognize the scanner and can scan, but I cannot set the resolution. Every time I try to adjust the resolution the dropdown box starts to flash and go nuts, and I can’t select anything. If I click randomly, it sets res to 12,800 and then says there’s not enough memory when I hit scan.
I’m on a late 2012 iMac with 32 GB of ram. Computer is fast enough, and I can scan just fine with the native Epson software, it works perfectly. I guess I’m just a fan of scanning within PS straight to a new document instead of saving the scan initially.
I installed this, and initially it seemed to have broken the ability to even recognize the scanner in IC and PS, but after a restart it regained the ability. I then opened PS and was actually able to scan via import and set the resolution for the first time ever!
Then I tried it a second time, and it went back to old ways. Very confused …
This seems weird, probably interacting in some crazy way. I do not have a method for fixing this though :(
Patrick I have borrowed a Epson 700 and cannot get Epson scanning software to work on 10.11.5 on my Macbook Air. Any hints? I prefer it to using imagecapture as the scan window snaps to each slide rather than needing manual placement
Any idea why the CanoScan Lide 60 doesn’t work on Yosemite. Thanks for the help!
According to others it does work on yosemite :P Make sure you install both the twain driver from canons website and twainbridge from this website. A restart after the installation might be needed.
Thanks for this fix. After two hours wasted, finally found this fix. Thanks again. I have a 2014 MBP, and the Canoscan 4400F works fine with it.
great :))
works with canonscan lide 90 and yosemite 10.10.2
thank`s a lot
WORKS with LIDE 90 on Yosemite 10.10.3 using ImageCapture, Preview, and Apple Mail!!! The first program to use the scanner takes control of the scanner, you need to quit ImageCapture before scanning in Preview. Apple Mail hides the scanner, if you Control Click in your message you can “Import Image” at which point your scanner appears. I suspect other apps access the TWAIN scanner.
One less scanner in a landfill:) until the next OS X change that impacts ImageCapture…
You may be better served buying a currently supported LIDE 220 or 120, but this gets rid of the need to use the old Canon MP Navigator EX version 1.0 which spins the CPU at 100% after scanning a PDF in Yosemite 10.10.3. I have not found a way to use the current versions of Canon’s MP Navigator to work with the LIDE 90.
Install notes:
Did NOT work when using Pacifist to install the TWAINbridge app.
DID work when double clicking the TwainBridge Mavericks package provided here.
This version of is newer than what I have in my OS X 10.8 installer. This version is still “8.0”, but the source code appears newer and the check sums are different.
Re-installed Canon LIDE ScanGear TWAIN driver package supported only up to OS X 10.8 named msd_-mac-lide90-13_9_2a-ej7.dmg Canon does not support the LIDE 90 under OS X 10.10, so these drivers may stop working in the future. For now they appear to work under Yosemite 10.10.3.
This is GREAT to have.
Works perfectly — I am running Yosemite 10.10.2 with my ‘Canoscan 4400F. Many thanks!
Thank you for your help janegil. Works fine with a Canon 8400F and Yosemite 10.10.2
I have a canon 8400f, trying to run using my MBP with Mavericks. Can’t make it work. I downloaded the twainbridge app install package, and it’s located where it should be, but when I open CanoScan, it freezes and I have to force quit.
Was there something you did other than installng Janegil’s pkg?
This fix worked well on the MP500. Kudos and thanks!
Many thanks! Just got this MacBook Pro (OS X 10.10.3) and was annoyed to find that it couldn’t see my PIXMA MP500. Then I was annoyed further when I realized that Canon hasn’t updated the drivers since OS X 7… can’t stand forced obsolescence. But after a little websurfing, I found your proposed solution.
So I grabbed the OS X 7 driver and MP Navigator for the MP500 from the Canon site, installed your fix, and I’m good to go.
Of course, when I find out that my bank accounts have been emptied, maybe I won’t be so thrilled… 8^)
Nothing in here to empty your bank accounts :P
Works with a Canon LIDE 70 and Yosemite 10.10.3 using the driver and Canon Toolbox for OS 10.7 – I couldn’t see anything for OS 10.8 (as mentioned by a previous poster) on the Canon website. Many thanks
Worked for me and my MP600 on Yosemite.
It works for me !
Canon 4400F on Yosemit (10.10.3)
I have several bug at the preview but it must be another problem cause it does the same on my “old” mac (mountain lion I think).
Damned planned obsolescence.
Thanks a lot !
Work like a charm on my 880of. Thank you!!
Yes, it does here on 10.9.5.
Jan, I just fixed my problem this week (10/5/2015) using your strategy and am now able to print on a Canon Pixma 830 using Yosemite (10.10.5). But now that El Capitan is coming out, it would be great if you could give us a hand again :-) I know you said you wouldn’t want to spend more time on this but your help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks for the fix!
I’m running OS 10.10.5, and have a CanoScan 4400F. I just downloaded and ran the installer above, and can once again use my scanner from within Photoshop Elements. Many thanks to all!
my CANON canoscan LIDE 20 now works under mac OSX 10.9 Mavericks. thank you very much Jan! burn down babylon! :)
Thank you so much for this, it works with CanoScan 4400F on Maverick!
You’re welcome, great to hear!
I don’t have to trow away my MP800 after all on a nMP.
Many Thanks.
YAAY. More money for fun stuff :)
Great thanks now I can do normal paper scanning, but how do I turn on the slide scanning features?
I am sorry but I don’t know the answer to this. It might be possible that you have to use some canon software (scangear) in order to accomplish this. I would give that a try, if not, I would check Canon’s support pages.
I cannot get the install package to open, the Mac is not allowing it because it is not from a recognized developer. Any suggestions?
This can be done permanently by setting “Allow apps downloaded from:” in System Preferences -> Security & Privacy to Anywhere, or just for once by secondary(right)-clicking and choosing open from the context menu.
Go to sys preps/security/general and allow non apple software to install….
Or, for a quick fix, just right-click on it in finder, and select “open.” There it will ask you if you really really want to open it, and when you do it won’t ask you anymore.
Thanks…. I forgot about being able to do that.
The ‘Share scanner’ botton is missing ???
Did you hide it somewhere? I’m sorry I don’t know much about this.
Are you sure about the path ?
I have Installed OSX 10.9 on one Mac and OSx 10.8 on another, and neither has a folder called “Image Support” in the location you’re mentioning…
there is a folder named “Image Capture” in that location, which has folders inside it named “Automatic Tasks”, “Devices”, “Support”, “Tools” and “TWAIN Data Sources” and nothing else…
I have these exact folder layout in both OSX 10.9 and OSX 10.8, so either the path you are mentioning is incorrect or the is not an official OSX installed file or app…
…could it be it is installed by an old CANon installer ?
You are absolutely right. The path is supposed to be ‘/System/Library/Image Capture/Devices/’. I am actually not sure if the is a native OS X application, or bundled with a canon installer, as I do not have access to any clean 10.8 installs. My notes, and the downloadable installer, all uses the right path. I’m sorry for the inconvience. Thanks for letting me know :)
Hi, I installed the App, but after scanning, Image Capture stopped saving files. I’m getting these errors:
TWAINBridge[518]: scannerStatus 0 – scannerStatusErr = 0
Image Capture[515]: ImageIO: CGImageSourceCreateWithURL url parameter is nil
The weird bit is that if I scan with default options (Hide details button) everything works, but if I change sizes, resolution or color depth, no output is saved.
I have not seen this before, so don’t really have any idea for fixes. Sounds crappy though.
please try to use the configured Scanner app instead of Image Capture this should fix your issue.
Use /Users//Library/Printers/.app to scan your images.
Best Carsten
Ups the website remove my placeholders
Replace username with your username and scanner with your scanner:
Best Carsten
I had to “run” then add it using System Preferences but boy, was I pleased to see my CanoScan LiDE35 in that list. Thank you so much!
Thanks a million! After installing TWAINBridge with your Maverick Fix package I could see and add Ellert’s SANE* driver using + in Systems Preferences/Printers & Scanners. SANE was then accessible in both Adobe Photoshop CS6 (where I had installed Adobe’s TWAIN plugin to no avail) and in Image Capture. (It had always been accessible in Acrobat Pro.) *SANE supports a whole bunch of old scanners, including my CanoScan LiDE 20. See .
Fantastic. Since upgrading to Mavericks the scan button on the MP800 had stopped working, whereas in all prevsious OSX versions I could press the button and it would save to the computer. Your fix has now returned the previous functionality – many thanks :-)
[…] another option that might just work to get SANE drivers to connect with ImageCapture and Photoshop (especially if you have an older CANON scanner) is (re)installing the that JaneGil has ready for download on his website. […]
CanoScan 8400F works. Thank You!
A real lifesaver. Finally got my Canoscan 8800F (almost) fully functional under Mavericks. Thanks for this.
I see my Lide 70 but then only “Waiting for scanner”. After a while it just disappears … :-(
But you really have to wonder why Apple would just drop TWAIN support.
I have just updated to Mac OS X 10.9.3 and disappeared from /System/Library/Image Capture/Devices/ so I had to reinstall it with your installer package to be able to continue to use my CanoScan LiDE 20 using SANE. The fact that Get Info on give says “v. 8.0, © 2000-2011 Apple Inc.” and the fact it goes in a System folder indicates to me that it has nothing intrinsically to do with Canon. Apple should be providing it (or equivalent) to support Twain compatible drivers like SANE but I couldn’t find any comment about in Apple Support Communities discussions. So I have posted a message giving links to this website and to Ellert’s SANE website at .
I haven’t had much time to reply to answer or check things out, but was wondering if TWAINBridge was actually part of some Canon Installer given the things MacManus wrote. The information you have given here kinda suggests otherwise though. I might be able to check this out in the future.
I am also not 100% sure of the functioning of TWAINBridge, and if apple has in fact removed TWAIN support or if this is having another function that makes it work. I got this impression based on something I read in a forum somewhere, so this might not be totally accurate. I know however that installing the TWAINBridge actually works, which makes it worthwhile for me :)
Thanks Heaps! After trawling the net for ages for an answer, I finally found your solution, I can now print with my Canon Pixma MP800…
Thanks a lot :-) my Canon Lide 30 now works fine with SANE & Mavericks!
Dear janegil
Many, many sincere thanks. I can now use my CanoScan LIDE 35 with Mavericks. Your script worked first time with no problems whatsoever.
You have saved me, and countless others, much time and effort, and money, too. You have also prevented untold numbers of good scanners going to landfill to pollute the Earth. Well done!
wish this existed for hp…
Did you try it for you hp nat?
I’ve been desperately trying to get my TWAIN scanner to work on my new iMac all day… sadly the .pkg file link doesn’t seem to be working anymore! Would anyone know where I can find a copy of the file, or would anyone be so kind as to send it directly my way? It would be much appreciated!
Sorry this was my fault, it should start working again in a couple of hours
For some reason I can’t download the file. Is anyone else having trouble? :(
Sorry this was my fault, it should start working again in a couple of hours
Dude, you made my day! I was looking for a solution for quite some time! Had Mountain Lion running on a virtual machine just to use my Canon scanner – but that was a pain in the a**
Now, I can use my P-150 document scanner again, instead rendering it into a very expensive paperweight. Thank you Jan! I’d like to share this on my G+ page, hope thats fine with you!
Thats totally fine :) Good luck scanning!
Canoscan N670U runs on Maverick 10.9.4 !
Lifesaver!! I’ve been bugging Canon support for 10.9 drivers for the Canon P-150 (M) and they keep referring me to their own CaptureOnTouch. With your fix, I’m able to use any TWAIN app again!!
Yay helping the netherland people!
[…] came across this post from janegil that solved my problem! The solution is simple enough; replace the broken part with […]
[…] kwam deze post tegen van Jan Egil Vestbø waarin mijn probleem opgelost blijkt te zijn! De oplossing is eigenlijk […]
Thank YOU! Love a brilliant solution like this. I was able to use both a Canoscan 8800F and P-150M in Mavericks, but ONLY with applications that I could switch to 32 bit. I believe Canon’s TWAIN drivers are 32, hence a problem. I used Graphic Converter in 32 bit, and thanks to Thorsten Lemke the developer for helping me work that out (he rocks).
I installed Twainbridge and it works fine with both these scanners, so now I can scan with either Image Capture itself or with applications like Graphic Converter (in 64 bit) or Devonthink Pro that have an Import>Scan with Image Capture option. So wonderful.
And I tried it out with the Yosemite public beta. Twainbridge installs, and I could scan with my P-150! Didn’t try the 8800F, but I’m guessing it’s good.
Does this basically use a as an intermediary between Image Capture and whatever app you’re using?
And thanks again.
You Sir, are a a true gentleman – worked first time with no problems. In response to an earlier post, if your security settings won’t allow you to run the package, then right click on the pkg file in finder and then click on ‘open with’, this will then give you an option of opening it with installer. this then gives you an option of bypassing your security settings.
Your fix served my Canon 4400F and me WELL.
Actually for my MP800 it then works with Image Capture or with the Printer Utility in the Preferences Panel, but not with the MP Navigator which still quits after 10 seconds. Anyway, thanks a lot !
Fabrice (from France)
Thanks a lot, this is very helpful. I am using Canoscan Lide 35 and now it works fine. Thanks a lot!
Konica-Minolta bizhub C25 on Maverick 10.9.4 (via USB) is working again after install of the TWAINBridge app and the KM C25 scanner driver for OS X 10.7.
Thanks !!!
I have the TwainBridge active and installed v1.1 of CaptureOneTouch but it still does not work with my Canon P-150. Is it possible that this workaround does not work for 10.9.4?
Did you install the package for 10.9, or the package for 10.8 or 10.7? I am not sure if the 10.9 package actually includes the driver.
Rob that also commented actually says that the P150M worked both on 10.9 and on the beta for 10.10, so it sounds like it should be possible to get the P150 working.
I am using it on 10.9.4. I think the P150 and P150M are essentially the same machine. So it should work. But you still need the scanner drivers. Try using the P150 with Image Capture, NOT the Capture One. The Canon software itself might be the problem.
Following up on Rob’s comment, I also installed this on the public beta of Yosemite and was able to install my scanner (CanoScan 4400F) in system preferences afterwards.
Many thanks!!
Thanks! Your app worked in conjunction with doing a right-click reinstall of the Canon MP500 driver–all while ImageCapture is closed. I restarted & I can scan again in Mavericks 10.9.4 on a MacBook Pro using my Canon MP500.
Brilliant. I was about to ditch my Canon 8800F. You brought it back from the dead! Thank you for working out this fix and then making it available to the rest of us.
Thank you so much…have been tearing my hair out trying to get my MP800 working. This seems to have fixed the problem. so for so good anyway.
Thanks man. This saved my old MP150, serving me since 2004 :)
What are exactly te steps if I want my MP150 scanner to be up&running? I’ve installed this fix and nothing happen. Any other action required? Which canon driver did you use?
Thanks a lot
says on the frontpage. use an older TWAIN driver for you scanner. I used the one for 10.7 i think
Thanks so much. Before I could scan with Photoshop CS4, but not CS6 or Preview. Now I can use both. You rock!
Hey, yes you just solved my problem with Canon 8800F too. Thanks a million!
yayyyyy Thanks a lot. Works fine.
Great job, MAC PRO, (early 2009), O.S. 10.9.4, CanoScan 8600F. Just got off the phone with Canon, they were no help. Now with your fix I can scan direct from Photoshop just like before.
Many Thanks
Works well, but only in text not in color. My printer scanner is Epson Stylus DX 3800 and the OS is of course 10.9
Hey! I just bought a mac and tried to instal the driver for my Epson Stylus DX 3800 printer/scanner
but it failed. How did you manage to make the printer/scanner work?
I can’t really be of any help without knowing more details. The method described in this post requires the scanner drivers to already be installed. I haven’t had much trouble installing printing drivers of any kind, but I have mostly only done this with my Canon printer/scanner, so I don’t have any experience with the Epson drivers. How exactly did the driver installation fail?
Thank you! I’m on MP800. Like Fabrice, my MP Navigator still opens then quits after 10 seconds. But at least Image Capture works! :)
I can’t begin to thank you enough. Your TWAINBridge fix makes my Canon DR-C125 scanner work with Image Capture, VueScan and Yep in Mavericks. There were no installation or operational problems at all and the scans are high quality.
Were you able to use this fix on Yosemite? I also have a DR-C125 scanner.
I don’t know if he has subscriptions on or not, as this is something I just enabled. I have not heard a single word of someone not getting this to work on Yosemite, so it should probably work. Are you having problems?
I thought I’d try again after a month — still no luck. I’m running Yosemite 10.10.1 and trying to install a Canon DR-C125 scanner. I’ve installed the most recent Canon software/driver (not for Yosemite, however) and also installed your application. No luck. When I go to add my scanner in Printers & Scanners nothing appears.
Good news! Canon updated its driver for Yosemite. Works great!
Thats good to see. I think they only do this for the more recent scanners. Which scanner are you using?
This is great, Jam, thanks so much for finding the fix. I was finally able to add my Canon 8800F scanner into Printers & Scanners so Preview and ImageCapture can see it again. Awesome work!
Do you know if Yosemite will break this again?
Several people in the comments have reported that this fix also works in the Yosemite beta, so for now all seems good :). It is possible that twainbridge might be deleted in the update, so a reinstallation should be attempted if it stops working.
Awesome! My CanoScan LIDE 90 works again in Maverick!
Many Thanks!
I’ve been looking for a solution like this for years. I have a Canon LiDE 80 that hasn’t worked since Apple stopped supporting PowerPC drivers. I think I’m really close to getting it working now. I’m running Mavericks and have installed your TWAINBridge app as well as some things from (where I found the link to your site). However I’ve never been able to use this scanner with this MacBook, so it never had the Canon drivers to begin with. I can go to the Canon site and get drives for Tiger, but that’s the most recent. But it looks like the installer for those drivers are PPC so I can’t run the installer. Do you know of a work around for this, or maybe I need something else that you know of other than the Canon driver. In the Canon installer folder are folders like “Into CFMSupport_Login”, “Into Pref_LiDE80”, etc. Do you know where all of those folders should live? Are they just loose in the Library directory, or inside something else?
I’m sorry but I dont have any answers for this. But I think if the installer is only for PPC, there is a risk of the scanner drivers also are only compatible with PPC processors, I don’t even know if the scanner driver provided by canon is a TWAIN driver. I think MacManus has written about other alternatives for making old scanners work, such as “twain sane” and VueScan, have you tried out any of these methods?
I have installed the SANE pieces that MacManus had suggested. When they didn’t work MacManus had a link to your site which is how I got here. I’ll keep poking at it, but I’ve got a feeling that I’m still going to be out of luck. Thanks
You could also try the VueScan, I think it is easier to accomplish, as it is only the application. You will however have to use the application for scanning, and it is not freeware, still worth a try though. I wish you the best of luck. Uncompatible drivers and old devices quickly becomes a PITA.
I had looked at VueScan but their documentation says they don’t work with the LiDE 80 because the TWAIN drivers that it needed were PPC only. I was hoping that the SANE pieces would be a workaround, but evidently not. I have another all-in-1 printer/scanner but the LiDE 80 was small and compact and nice to have when I needed to take it places. Oh well.
I recently got a LiDe 80 working with Mavericks using Sane. It also works with Vuescan now with the Sane backend and the twainbridge and twain-sane plugins. In order for this to work I had to compile the latest sources from their git repo. LiDe 80 support was added into Sane relatively recently. I can scan now using the command line or image capture, etc. Image capture scans come out distorted, though.
Yes it works with my CanoScan Lide 35 Scanner.
Great Work!
Awesome, works for me with Canon Lide 50 (Lide 35 driver).
Did you try ExactScan? I use it for my SnapScan, I think it still just works with classic TWAIN drivers, too!
Was this meant for me or in response to someone elses comment? As this is not a free application I feel TWAINBridge is a better choice if it works for you. It is also pretty native. If that doesn’t work, exactscan might be a good option, which seems to be working around the same way as VueScan, but maybe with a bit more options?
Thank you so much! This made my scanner work :)
For Canon Lide 70 using Snow Leopard TWAIN driver
Thank you very much! Now my Canon 4400F works with Pixelmator out of the box :-)
After many many hours trying different “solutions” found on the internet, I tried your installer package and within 2 minutes everything was working again. Thank you so much. You made my day. :))
Many thanks for making this installer package available. I now have my Canoscan 8400F working in Yosemite PB3.
Canon MP750 working with OS 10.9.5
After 6 hours of searching the net and trying out insane things well above my abilities this has finally done it.
THANK YOU, for your service. This fixed my issue with CanoScan 4400F in OSX 10.9 with a Macbook Pro. I appreciate you taking the time to figure this out for the rest of us.
Thank you so much for this – I do now have to go a different route to get my scanner to work but it does finally seem to be operational again (a Canon MP500 – ok not exactly up to the minute but it does what I need and I would be annoyed to have to buy a new one unnecessarily just because of the software upgrade)
Just purchased brand new Canon MG6620 printer/scanner. Wifi operation of scanner only allows up to 600 DPI resolution but scanner is supposed to go to 1200 x 2400 DPI. When I use a 3rd party software (VueScan) via USB connection I get full resolution but not via the Canon software which I think uses Apple drivers. This brand new all in one should just work out of the box as it is supposed to be Mavericks compliant but no dice. I had a similar problem with a very Old Epson scanner where it scanned blurry with apple drivers and ok via VueScan. Either Apple needs to make better drivers of the OEM scanner makers need to provide them…this is not acceptable. Any suggestions or workarounds would be appreciated!!!
Yeah this is stupid. It’s understandable with old equipment that are beyond their end of support. But new devices where compatibility is claimed should be supported. I guess it’s a stupid question but you did try to download the most recent drivers? I see they have an ICA-driver on their website listed for Mavericks and Yosemite, did you try installing this one?
I’ve been looking for hours and finally have a solve for my Canoscan 8400F problem with Mavericks (10.9.5).Working perfectly using Image Capture.
Suddenly, the beast came to life just minutes before a no net swish into the trash can.
Thank you!
Using my Canoscan Lide 35 again – thank you very much!
I’ve tried your app with canoscan 5000f, but it didn’t work.
Nevertheless, thak you for your work !
Yeh, it seems the the drivers for the canoscan 5000f are very old. Did you try other solutions such as VueScan or Twain Sane?
This is SO helpful. Thank you so much — do you have a paypal donate button somewhere?
No donations needed :P Glad to be of assistance
Thanks for this solution. For some reason it didn’t work on my Macbook Pro running Mavericks. What did work was Adobe Acrobat Pro. I used the functionality File -> Create -> PDF from Scanner, and it recognized my CanoScan N1220U as a SANE scanner. After figuring out how to specify the geometry (for cropping), it produced very nice scans. Acrobat Pro is not free, but if you have it, it removes the need for installing any fix. (Note: at least on my computer, the preview functionality worked best with black & white; the actual scan worked well with B&W, grayscale, and color).
Thanks for the tip! While I also wasn’t able to get the downloaded software to work with my MBP and N1220U, Acrobat did it! I didn’t even realize that was a function that it did–usually have just used it for mark-ups…
This actually was the only solution that worked for me, too, so thank you!
OS: Yosemite (OS X 10.10)
MacBook Air
CanonScan LiDE 210
It’s stopped working until 10.10, been working fine until I upgraded.
Hope it helps someone else!
Dear Br, it looks like you have exactly the same laptop and printer as I do, which gives me hope. I just downloaded and opened the new Canon driver (msd_-mac-lide210-17_7_1a-ea8_2.dmg) and the TwainBridge Maverick Fix from this website, but still my laptop is not recognizing the scanner when I plug it in.
Everything was fine before Yosemite.
Any ideas?
Interesting ! Where have you found the drivers for CanoScan N1220U ? Or, which model drivers are you using ?
Thanks a lot, it solve my problem with Canon MP530 it scan perfect with Adobe Acrobat Pro!
Change of mind there huh? :P
Worked on a 2007 iMac running Yosemite beta and a Canon MP500. Tanks so much!
Your fix worked great for my Canon 8600F scanner now being linked to OSX Mavericks… Thanks!!
Awesome. After years of using the horrible CanoScan software, I can finally integrate my LiDE70 into all of my software as a TWAIN device. Thanks. I will post a link from my blog
Worked with my Canon CanoScan 8600F and Yosemite, allowing me to scan to Preview. Of course, my Photoshop Elements still can’t see the scanner, but that happened in Mavericks too. Thank you for the fix!
I think some scanner turns up as available if you run Photoshop in 32-bit mode. I guess this would pose some more memory limitations (ie, like maximum 4gb for Photoshop). Theres a note (note #8) on how to this here
I am trying to connect a Brother DS 720D that has installed the TWAIN drivers into OSX 10.9 or OSX 10.10. In both cases the fix isn’t working. The native Brother application does work. The Brother drivers can be found at:
Any help will be welcome as we need to access the scanner through Java using Morena7 and TWAIN.
I’m sorry but I dont have any experience with the Brothers. You could however check MacManus’ webpage.
Hello. I was thrilled to see this discussion since I have a Canon P-150 scanner that I could no longer use due to switching from a PC to an iMac. However, I’m unable to get the scanner to work on my iMac. I’m running on Yosemite.
I installed the TWAINbrige Maverick fix. I then downloaded the driver OS X Mountain Lion v10.8, which is the latest driver for the Canon P-150. I tried a few times but the same error message “CaptureOnTouch P-150M was not found. Confirm whether it was installed properly.” I’m still new to MAC world so I could be overlooking something. Any suggestions would be great appreciated.
Which application are you trying to do this in?
When you say what application I’m not sure what you mean. I’m running this on Yosemite on my iMac. I tried the suggestions in the link provided but nothing. Still get error message as follows: “CaptureOnTouch P-150m was not found.”
I mean what application you are trying to do the scan from? I have mostly tried this with Image Capture which is an application bundled with OS X. It sounds like you might be using a Canon application for scanning, you should give Image Capture a try.
There have been several people reporting success with the P150, so it should be possible to achieve this
Amazingly simple fix. I had no idea Image Capture was part of OS X. I thought this was Canon’s. Thank you for clarifying and saving me a few hundred dollars. I liked the P150 scanner so much but had given up hope until I stumbled across your discussion. Thank you for your patience and going another round with me to finally resolve this. How pleased I am!
A quick google search lead me to this: link
“I recently switched to Mac. The scanner has been working with my PC, but not with Mac. I found out if you disconnect the scanner from the Mac, turn the switch of “Auto Start” (on the back of the scanner) from “on” to “off”, and re-connect the scanner to Mac, the green “Start” will appear. Let me know if if works for you.”
Thank you for the response. I’m only replying now because I was awaiting your possible response via email. I didn’t realize I had to come back to the site to see your reply. Sorry for the delay. I’m attempting now to do as stated. I will update in a bit.
For whatever reason this didn’t work for me. But thank you for the suggestion. I’m still trying other ways. Surely there is a fix. Others seem to be having success with running the P-150 on their iMac.
[…] (270 kb) rozwiązuje problem. Oto link do tej łatki. Informację znalazłem na blogu Jana Egila. Swoją drogą to ciekawe. Na tym blogu jest tylko jeden wpis. Jeden wpis, a jakże […]
iMac (20inch early 2009) 2.66 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, OS X 10.10 (Yosemite) updated 20/10/2014. long time friend CanoScan 4400F wasn’t detecting anything, with installed Canon driver for OS X 10.9 (from their Singapore website). Now, having found this very helpful blog, have installed TwainBridge 21/10/14 – using GraphicConverter only detect red in a A4 document, and not very well at that, rest of document is black, characters and logos not recognised.
Before installing TwainBridge today ImageCapture didn’t see CanoScan 4400F, after installation am able to select the scanner {less controls than Graphic Converter though} and have a black page after each type of scan.
fact that can see red in GraphicConverter scan suggests calibration may be an issue but unable to reset.
any suggestions please?
Some users have reported success with the 4400F, so it should be possible to get working. Do you only get a solid color when doing preview scans also? I have read some people have problems with certain file-formats.
have had solid colour on preview – depends on input type i noticed e.g. magazine(colour) B&W text
but most times complete black preview and scan, exception is Graphic Converter in colour scan, 2nd time thru i.e. 1st time, complete black, 2nd time get red colouring on document being copied quite faintly… couldn’t find any IC files such as of the LIDE range… thank you for reading and considering
Did you try your scanner on another computer making sure it is not a hardware problem? Could the lamp or something be failing?
no – only have an iMac – assumed software as was working (PDFs) beforehand – i had a button to check diagnositcs and that reported everything ok,
Well now thats kinda crappy, I don’t really have a solution to this except normal troubleshooting, reinstalling drivers, scanning under a new user etc.
For another user reinstalling the scanner driver from the cannon website helped sort his issues with garbled scanning. Although his problem seemed less ‘severe’ than yours, I suggest you try this.
Thank you, will give that a go….
appreciate your assistance on this… currently have shingles – 14 days now, so not concentrating all that well at present… will be a while a while before i try it out i guess… maybe another 14 days…
Hi, many thanks for your help. I was so annoyed when I discovered that my P-150M is not opertional under Yosemite, but with your solution it works. Really cool :-)
My 8800f finally works in Image Capture! Thank you so much!
Worked for me after I installed the correct driver package from Canon for my LIDE 700F scanner. There are two driver package downloads on the Canon website—at first I only grabbed the LiDE 700F Scanner Driver Ver. 14.11.4a and the scanner still wasn’t detected. Then I went back and grabbed the ICA Driver Ver.3.1.0 from Canon, un/re-plugged the scanner in and it works in Image Capture / Preview / etc. And altough the drivers from Canon were only listed up to Mavericks, it works for me on my iMac 2013 with Yosemite installed from last week.
I see that the drivers are now also listed up to Yosemite, (the 14.11.a:). Probably not too many changes to this in Yosemite. I see they also have an ICA driver ver 3.3.4, did this not work for you?
Also out of curiosity, did you have both the twain driver, (14.11.a) and TwainBridge support installed from here without finding the scanner?
Thank you so much Janegil. It was looking bleak for my old Pixima MP 170 with no drivers available on the Canon website after the Yosemite upgrade to my 2009 iMac. Scanning has now resumed as normal thanks to your efforts and that natty little Bridge for a Thing Without An Interesting Name. I hate discarding a working tool before its time.
Thanks so much. I managed to get my new MacBook Air 10.9.5 to scan using my MP500. I really appreciate it. It took me all day, but I finally found your page.
thanks. found your website today. installed the twain scanner, as recommended. wow. Canoscan 8800F is again operational under OS X Yosemite, as is Image Capture App. could not be more pleased. that, and you saved me a couple of hundred bucks. wish I had found the info earlier, as Mavericks install had broken what was working.
Thanks a lot !!!!! It’s awesome. When I asked for assistance from Canon they told me there would not update the driver for my MP600R ! I’m very happy to continue with my Canon MP600R !!!!!!
I was pleased to see the comments on Yosemite and I confirm it works for CanoScan 4400F. Tks
I’ve installed this in Yosemite and almost jumped in my chair when it recognised my Canonscan Lide 90, BUT, sadly the colours in the scan get garbled.
See good scan under Mavericks here:
and garbled under Yosemite here:
Any ideas? I’m using the same canon drivers for Mountain Lion in both cases (no drivers for Mavericks or Yosemite exist)
I don’t know of anything like this. One user has reported here that a scan produced only one solid color after upgrading to yosemite. Can I ask if you upgraded or performed a clean install of Yosemite. If not, did you use the package from my site in Mavericks as well?
I don’t have a computer in front of me now, but could you go through the scanner settings to see if it can be reset somehow. Or in case do it manually. An uninstall and install of the drivers might also solve the problem (maybe especially) if you did an update, but I don’t know if you have the knowledge to perfom this.
Thanks for your reply.
> Can I ask if you upgraded or performed a clean install of Yosemite.
Nope. I upgraded my existing Mavericks.
> If not, did you use the package from my site in Mavericks as well?
Nope. Sadly I only discovered it this morning. But I tried it in an old Mac still running Mavericks. That one is the one where I get the perfect image – before the installation of your package, ImageCapture didn’t even recognise the scanner.
> you go through the scanner settings to see if it can be reset somehow.
In the “System Preferences”, under “Printers & Scanners”, I can’t find any way to reset it.
I’ve tried invoking CUPS (http://localhost:631) -> Printers -> selecting the scanner and “Modify Printer” but I see no option to reset it either. By the way, in CUPS it says that the driver is “Driver: CanoScan LiDE 90 (grayscale, 2-sided printing)” which is odd. Could change it, if I had different ones.
> Or in case do it manually.
> An uninstall and install of the drivers might also solve the problem
> (maybe especially) if you did an update, but I don’t know if you have the knowledge to perfom this.
I dont’t know how to uninstall because of locations of files & etc, but if you guide me I don’t have a problem. I’m familiar with the command line.
Got it working!
Although I did not know how to uninstall the existing drivers, I followed on your tip that it might be caused by the drivers, so I installed new ones on top.
I’ve downloaded the following driver package from Canon:
LiDE 90 Scanner Driver Ver. 13.9.2a (OS X 10.5/10.6/10.7/10.8)
I’ve installed these drivers and now it works. The colours are perfect :))
Hope this helps others.
Hey guys,
I’ve almost accepted that I will not be able to get my Canoscan8000F to communicate with my 2012 Macbook Pro (running Yosemite) but thought I would field this problem out to you guys anyways. I’ve installed the TWAINbridge fix as well as the (horrible) CanoScan Toolbox 4.9 software. Still no luck using Image Capture, Acrobat, Printers & Scanners, etc. The scanner just isn’t recognized.
Anybody have any miracle workarounds?
Much appreciated!
I’m afraid your options are rather limited from what I can see. The driver on Canons webpages are not made to work on intel processors. The printer also does not seem to be compatible with VueScan or TwainSane.
A workaround could be to figure out which OS this scanner could be used with, and install a virtual machine to scan through. Not the most user-friendly, but it would probably work. I think only 32-bit windows versions are supported.
Good luck
Thanks for the help!!! Using Canon Lide 35 with OS 10.9.5.. It finally works again :-)
Thanks a lot, it works great for my Canon MP500 on Yosemite. I downloaded the olds drivers for Lion on Canon website.
My multifonction printer is fully fonctionnal
Thanks a lot
Original message in French :
Merci beaucou, celà marche parfaitement pour ma Canon MP500 sur Yosemite. J’ai du télécharger les drivers (X.8) sur le site Canon.
Mon imprimante multifonction est maintenant parfaitement reconnue.
Merci beaucoup.
You sir, are a genius. Thank you so much.
Thanks. the download worked and allowed my canoscan 8400 F to work with image capture and be scanned in JPEG format.
No tweaks needed to work in Yosemite. well done!
I’ve been using the TWAIN driver from canon for my Canon 5600F in Image Capture. It wasn’t recognized in Yosemite, so I updated the TWAIN driver from Canon’s website and installed this TWAINBridge. This didn’t make any difference; the scanner was still not available in Image Capture.
I then discovered the Canon ICA driver and installed that which worked.
I am having a similar problem with my Microtek scanner. Microtek says they no longer support my scanner after Snow Leopard. I have been tearing my hair out for the last week trying to get the scanner to work. Do you think this fix would work for me?
I can’t really give a definite answer to this, but it could work. Would be great if you drop an update if you try it out :)
I tried it, it doesn’t work. The only thing I have found that works so far is VueScan and it’s an $89.99 program. May be more beneficial to buy a new scanner, but it won’t be a Microtek for sure. They don’t keep their scanner drivers up to date. They say they no longer support my scanner but my question is, Why can VueScan make my scanner work in Yosemite but they can’t? Lack of customer support here. I’m not giving up yet, I will post again if I find anything else that works and doesn’t cost as much as a new scanner.
Theres also a SANE solution you can try. Check out this post by macmanus
Thanks janegil. I tried this but it wouldn’t work because it is for Mavericks and Yosemite was not included. I tried the Mavericks one but it said it was not compatible with Yosemite. Still trying!
Hopefully, in some time, these will be released for Yosemite
Excellent! Many thanks for great straightforward installation and functionality that preserves the utility of my Canon MP830 into OSX Yosemite.
Thank you very much, Jan! Using this I was (finally!) able to get my Canon Scantini P-215 working with Image Capture on Yosemite 10.10. In fact, it works better than Canon’s own CaptureOnTouch software, which is freezing and crashing miserably for me on Yosemite.
You just save me a couple of hundred! My Canon Imageformula P-215 now works under Yosemite. It had previously worked under Mavericks but the Yosemite upgrade rendered my scanner inoperable until I read about your fix. Thank you so much. I had previously spoken to the Canon support help-line but they were completely useless. It makes you wonder just what is happening within that organisation…
Trying to sell new equipment so they can make more money :) I guess one can’t keep going updating drivers forever, but with this simple fix it gets kinda stupid. You should put your ass on that scanner to show them what you think …
Perhaps, but if Cannon’s support staff are representative of their organisation then I question their software development/maintenance competence. Folks will get wise to such behaviour (whether it be a sales ploy or just incompetence). Fujitsu seem to keep on top of the driver/OS upgrade cycle. I’ll certainly think twice about buying another Canon product
Hallelujah! You just fixed my Samsung CLX-2160N with this fabulous bit of software. It can now be seen by imagecapture. Many thanks.
For anyone else with this printer, install the scanner driver from Samsung (and it wont’ appear) but then run this and the TWAIN driver is now visible. Hurrah.
Just wanted to say a hearty “Thank you!” for posting this information. My Canon LIDE90 scanner hasn’t worked properly since I installed Mavericks long ago. I was only able to scan from within Adobe Acrobat Pro. That worked, but was inconvenient and limited my options. When I recently installed Yosemite, I lost even that capability. But I installed the and now the actual scanner interface app works under Yosemite. Awesome! Thanks again!
A big thank you for supplying this information. I’ve just upgraded to Yosemite and my good old Canon MX310 refused to scan (printing has been fine). This solution has worked beautifully. And so simple! Terrific. Thanks again!
I don’t seem to be able to use it on Yosemite. My Canoscan Lide 20 is still not recognised by Image capture. Can anyone please tell me what to do? I have installed TwainBridge but I cannot see the scanner (and I don’t seem to find TwainBridge on my hard drive using spotlight)
Thanks for any help.
You need a driver in addition to this package. It seems Canons drivers are too old for this scanner to be used with Yosemite, some other people commenting here has had success using it with the SANE drivers, and this package. AFAIK the SANE drivers does not yet support Yosemite :(, but it will hopefully in a little while, keep an eye on this post for updates.
Also, I don’t think spotlight will find the installed package, as it does not show the system files in the scan, so that is to be expected :)
Thanks! This worked beautifully for my Cancan LIDE 60. It works independently and through Photoshop. Thanks again!
[…] (270 kb) rozwiązuje problem. Oto link do tej łatki. Informację znalazłem na blogu Jana Egila. Swoją drogą to ciekawe. Na tym blogu jest tylko jeden wpis. Jeden wpis, a jakże […]
Many thanks, it works very well with my Samsung SCX-4200. It’s great to find people like you thinking to people like us.
Great, good to hear this works with other manufacturers than Canon also :)
Yes it works very well for me too with my Samsung SCX-4200, thank you very much!
Thanks a lot, it works like a charm with Canoscan 4400F under Yosemite (both b/w and color)!
I can’t possibly thank you enough for this fix. My husband and I have been working on this since upgrading to Yosemite last week. I have been practically tearing my hair out with frustration!
Thank you thank you thank you!!!
Hopefully you got some hair left :)
I was so desperate I was shopping for a new scanner!
This upgrade to Yosemite has been extremely painful, but thanks to you I have a working scanner again!
I upgraded from Mavericks and I think the transition to Yosemite has been one of the most painfree updates I have done with OS X this far. But I guess everybody can’t be that lucky.
It’s funny that you say that, because my husband went to Mavericks and then to Yosemite and has been largely problem free. I skipped Mavericks and have been having the worst time. We are now telling clients to go to Mavericks and then Yosemite. Always better to do a small upgrade!
I LOVE my Canon Pixma MP800 printer/scanner. It’s the best printer/scanner I have ever had, and when it stopped working after the upgrade to Yosemite, that was the last straw. I seriously considered taking the iMac to Apple and paying to have them revert the whole thing back to Snow Leopard, never buying a Mac again, and going back to Windows/Linux.
You have no idea how much your sharing the fruits of your hard work has meant to me. You have saved me HOURS and DAYS of slogging through excrement simply to get things back to normal.
The Buddha said, “All life is suffering.”, and there’s a lot of that going around in the world today–much worse than the inconvenience of losing a great printer/scanner. People often quote Gandhi’s famous, “Be the change that you wish to see in the world.”.
You have done just that. Thank you for making the world a better place.
Just like you I’m very attached to my MP800, a great piece of kit, and I’ve just bought a new MacBook with Yosemite installed…and I’m just at the point of dumping it after discovering that it’s useless! I have and old Notebook laptop with Windows and have to use that if I want to scan and print…sigh!! Then I came upon this thread. Perhaps you could help me by describing how you got yours working OK. As a MAC newbie I’m finding most of this confusing so anything you can tell me would be appreciated.
Regards Derek A.
I described it in the post, but I’m not doing a click-by-click post. You need to use the installer from this page together with the old Canon driver. You can use ImageCapture for scanning, it’s in Application.
Another satisfied customer! My ancient LIDE35 (which I love for both the image fidelity and the extremely low profile) seems to once again be in the land of the living. Woot!
I’ve been looking for a fix for this for a year now. This works perfectly with my Canon P-208. Thank you thank you!
The comments mention the Canoscan N1220U working with 0S X Mavericks/(Yosemite?). Would someone help me finding the driver.
The only driver I found doesn’t seem appropriate for recent OS’s ?
It seems the comment earlier refers to SANE, which is another package like thing of drivers. It can be found here. I dont think it supports Yosemite yet though, hopefully this will happen soon. If you are not running Yosemite, a post by MacManus has a short howto, and I think will also be updated once Yosemite is released.
Thanks so much for all your dedication. Oops, unfortunately, I’m already running Yosemite. Let’s be patient for Mattias Ellert update !
Thanks !
It works for HP Scanjet 4200C
For a moment there, I thought I was in trouble after upgrading to Yosemite on my MacBook Air. All I got was gray when scanning on my trusty Canon Lide 600F. Canon does not provide a driver for 10.10 and suggested that the OS might do it without. I couldn’t find that but this worked. Thanks very much.
I also have a Canon Lide 600F and has a new Mac desktop. This fix worked for me, using the driver on the Canon website made for the 10.8 OS. Thank you for doing this work. This frustrates me that Canon and/or Mac are making perfectly good scanners unworkable on the new OS and forcing folks to create work arounds.
Take care
I also have a Canon LIDE 600F. I thought I was SOL when I went to get a driver for Yosemite and saw Canon does not support it. I tried the driver for 10.8 and it did not work. Then found this site from a Google search. Well after installing the TWAIN bridge app, all is well. Works like a charm!
1. You still need the 10.8 driver from Canon.
2. Might as well get Canoscan Toolbox while you’re there.
3. Get the TWAIn bridge app.
4. Install all 3.
5. Go in prefs->Printers and Scanners and you will find the scanner in your list, install it.
6. Open toolbox and scan something.
Downloaded the TWAIbridge fix and installed it successfully, but can’t find the app to try it.
(My CanoScan LiDE 60 was working (with Yosemite) when i suddenly got the note – “unable to run because
the CanoScan is in the trash”. It’s not in the trash – just gone.)
In any event, how do you implement your Fix once it has been downloaded and installed?
I have not tried my solution with any of the applications provided by Canon. I usually only scan using Image Capture, which is a part of the default OS X installation.
This worked perfectly for my Brother DSmobile 600. I am able to use Image Capture in OS X Yosemite without any problems.
Thanks so much for your help!
Thank you very much! Works brilliantly for printing on Canon Pixma MP500 & Yosemite.
Thank you so much! You’re a life saver!! Worked for my Canon Pixma MP530 on Yosemite.
Thank you.
Working great with Pixma MP170 and Yosemite.
Works great with Yosemite, Canoscan 8800F. Finally ditched the crappy Canon scanning software! Thanks for clear headed thinking, simple solution. I was amazed at the threads and misinformation around this topic. The solution (reinstalling older Apple executable while using most current scan driver) is really a safe way to go.
Worked great for my 8400F under Yosemite! Thank you.
Works on an MP500 on Yosemite.
Will this work for Mustek A3 1200S?
I am not sure about this. You could give it a try.
Great! Thank you! Works fine with Maverics on my MacBook and with my Canon Lide90 – canon driver for lion. I don’t like put a working device into waste so that’s a good thing to save the environment.
Yeah! It works for my Canoscan 8800F with Yosemite 10.10.1. I can use the scanner buttons again! And the scanner is now again listed in the digital image app AND also now it is possible again to add the scanner into the printer&scanner system preferences.
My open questions are now: Why Apple deny the access to the scanner? Or won’t Canon write the right scanner driver for Yosemite? What about the largest and most expensive Canoscan 9000F Mark II? Are the buttons of this scanner working with Yosemite without the usage of the old TwainBridge App? And if so, why? What is the Yosemite way for writing scanner drivers which are listend into digital image app?
Can’t really answer many of these questions. I never use the buttons on the scanner, so I don’t really have a clue whether these are working or not. As to how they now write drivers I think i have seen some ICA drivers, I believe this might stand for Image CApture driver. Not getting many hits googling for that though
I use mostly the buttons when i work with the scanner. It would be great to know if the up to date drivers for the expensive Canoscan 9000F Mark II will support the buttons and the ImageCapture App in Yosemite. If so, then the root cause is at the side of Canon.
I’m sorry, but I can’t really give you any answers to this.
Thank you Jan, downloaded and installed the tool AND IT WORKED, I am so happy, because after trying endlessly to fix the problem, I finally turned to the net and found your tool…great, you’ve made my day
My CanoScan Lide 90 is back up and running. Thank you! I didn’t have to do step #2, apparently I already had a recent driver.
My CanoScan 8600F works again! Thank you so much for saving me the cost of replacing a perfectly good (and expensive) scanner.
I’m on OSX version 10.9.5, & this is the only thing that got the image capture software to recognize the scanner. It works great now!!
YOU BEAUTY!!!!!!!! worked on Konica Minolta 1680MF :-)
Fixed issue with my Canoscan 8800f ! Thank You!!!!
Thank you, Jan Egil, so very much! I have a Xerox WorkCentre 3210 multifunction printer and Yosemite (OS X 10.10.1) on a MacBook Pro. I spent several hours and tried all sorts of advice from the Xerox forums and elsewhere with no success. This, however, was easy peezy! Download, run the Maverick Twain fix and use Image capture and — Bob’s your uncle — just like a bought one! Again, many, many thanks.
Hi Janegil, You are a star, thank you very much for providing this installer package and link to the drivers. When I recently upgraded to Yosemite 10.10.1my Canoscan 8400F stopped working. I have just installed the last available driver (8400fosx10241en) for this scanner from Canon (for Lion?) and your package and with no problems at all, my scanner showed up in Image Capture and also PSE 6. I have scanned some photographs and all the previous functionaliy seems to be there.Haven’t tried slides yet, but see no reason why it should not work.
The scanner buttons don’t work, but that stopped at about the time I upgraded to Mavericks, apparently due to the Canoscan Toolbox no longer working. That is a minor inconvenience though, most importantly I have my scanner with slide scanning capbi;ity back.
Again, thank you very much. Fixing these kinds of problems are way beyond my capabilities and having people like you doing it is wonderful.
Doesn’t seem to work fully for Canoscan LiDE 100 (OSX 10.10.1, MBPro 2013), but with adobe acrobat I get images out. Unbelievable that a simple piece of kit like a flatbed scanner can get shot down so easily.
It seems the drivers for the Lide 100 are pretty up to date from their date on Canons website. Try reinstalling their drivers. I would possibly try the ICA driver listed there first.
I have tried o get an pretty old CanoScan N670U running under Mac OS 9.5. Using Canoscan toolbox it can´t communicate with the scanner because of a missing driver. – Any suggestions have to solve the problem?
Regards from Germany.
Yeah it seems like the drivers for this scanner is pretty old. Twain Sane seem to might have support for your scanner though, see Macmanus’ post for more information. I do not think Twain Sane supports OS X Maverick (10) though, might be an argument to wait with updating. If this doesn’t work you could also try Vuescan.
I don’t know if the twain sane works with canoscan toolbox, so you should test them with something else like Image Capture or something (bundled with OS X).
Thanks so much! My CanoScan 8400F works now with mac 10.10 Yosemite. I am happy now, that I can use my well working scanner. Hate to throw away things which are still good! You did a great job for sustainability!
Hi, I’m having the same problem as everyone else with CanoScan 8400F on my iMac 2009 with OS 10.10.2, I have tried downloading Twain Bridge app, but no luck, the scanner is not even recognised in the “Printer and Scanner” bit of System Preferences. I feel the same as everyone else, why for the sake of a bit of software writing, are we expected to throw out working equipment.
You also have to download a twain driver for one of the older OS X versions. Not sure if the scanner appears in system preferences. I have mostly only tried with Image Capture
Thank you so much! Now my Canon Lide 90 works again under OS X Yosemite. Great job!
Thanks so much. My CanScan 4400F works again under Mac OS X Yosemite without using the CANON app.
Regards from France
Thank you so much.
I just moved to Yosemite, and your patch was a real lifesaver. Worked like a charm for my Canon Lide60.
I just reactivated a Canoscan 8400F under It didn’t show up until I installed the last driver a second time, so maybe you have to install TWAINBridge before the driver, but hey! Thank you soooooo much!
I can communicate with my Canoscan 4400F after the fix (thanks a stack!). I have added the scanner in Printers & Scanners and can open a scan window, but although it does a preview, it does not want to scan the page to file. Any suggestions will be most welcome.
Try note #7 here.
Absolutely awesome! My Canon MP830 is back in business. Thank you.
Thanks for this, a real help.
Couldn’t see my Canon 8800F as adevice in ImageCapture, scan within applications or use the physical buttons on the front of the scanner itself.
My iMac can now see the scanner as a device in applications, I can use the buttons – as well as assigning different functions to those buttons.
I’m running OSX 10.10.1
I’m using an HP Officejet 4630 wireless scanner under Yosemite. Under previous versions of the OS, the scanner “remembered” its settings. It no longer does so. Is there some way to set scanner preferences?
I’m sorry I don’t know anything about this.
[…] TWAIN Scanners in OS X Maverick (and Yosemite) | So I updated my computers to OS X Maverick. In this version OS X removes the support for TWAIN scanner drivers. Unfortunately, this meant that my scanner, a Canon Pixma MP800 multifunctional, which comes with a TWAIN driver, would not be usable for me on my updated systems. […]
Thank you! Awesome job, works great!
[…] have found a solution to get that Microtec scanner working under Yosemite. According to this source: […]
This worked for my CanoScan 8800F on OS X Yosemite. As a previous commenter noted, I had to find the TWAINBridge app first (System/Library/Image Capture/Devices/TWAINBridge) and open/run it. My scanner then showed up in my available devices in Photoshop. Thanks a bunch!
You’re my hero! Now my “old” Canon MP620 scans like a charm!
Thank you soooooooo much!
Worked perfectly on my MP830! Thanks!
Thank You! I had upgraded from Lion to Yosemite and my scanner would not “preview” scan, let me set any settings or save image as a “jpg” file. Contacted Canon about my older (but still working well) Pixma MX850 and they said (as did their website) that the MX850 would not be supported. Canon gave me other options and I had a new printer in my Amazon cart, but I thought I’d give your suggestion a try. ‘Had to go to my security settings in order to allow your download to open up and, like you said, also go back to the Canon site and download the latest scanner driver (Maverick worked) but restarted my computer and “Voila!” good as new. Thank you so much!
Thanks a lot for your TWAIN bridge fix – I’m using 10.9.5 and a canoscan 4400f and the scanner was not recognized, now it is! But PS5 still does not recognize the scanner ?
I don’t have any experience scanning with PS. sorry
Thank you for this fix! I just migrated my files from an old MacBook Pro to a new model running Yosemite. My ancient Canon MP600 wasn’t functioning after the migration and the scanner was not showing up in Photoshop CC. I ended up downloading an old driver from Canon (the most recent was for OS X Lion v 10.7). That fixed the print issue, but didn’t help with the scanner. After downloading your TWAINBridge the scanner showed up in Photoshop CC and worked fine. It doesn’t seem to show some of the functionality such as levels and whatnot in the scanner window, but that can all be done in PS anyway. All the basic options are there, cropping, resolution, file type, etc. Thanks again!
Thank you Jan! :)
It solved me a problem with scanner Samsung SCX-4521F and Mac OS 10.10.1 Yosemite.
Best regards!
which program do you use for the SCX-4521F with yosemite 10.10?
I use Image Capture, ver. 6.6 (525) – regular system built-in app.
adding the bridge worked for my Canon Lide 600F. thanks
Successfully installed the TWAINbridge fix onto a Mac Mini running Yosemite 10.10.1. Then installed the latest driver (for OS 10.7 from Canon website) for my LIDE70 scanner. It now works fine using Image Capture. I didn’t think the process would go this smoothly! Thank you very much!
Thank you! Worked for my CanoScan 8400F connected to a MacBook Pro (17-inch, Mid 2009).
Thanks! TWAINBRDIGE worked for me. Really appreciate it.
MacBook Pro RD 2012, 2.9GHx Intel Core !7, Yosemite OS 10.10
DSmobile 600 scanner detected with image capture.
thanks Jan. Great fix for my canoscan lide 600f. Much appreciated
The TWAINBRIDGE Maverick package worked for me on Yosemite 10.10.1…Brought Image Capture App back to life. Thanks all for the right path. CanoScan LIDE 70.
Just great ! Saved my good old P3600 A3 Pro, now working with Mac OS 10.10.1. Many thanks !
THANX so much – it works on my 8800f scanner ! After 2 years !!! shame on Canon, they could have done it
Works with OSX 10.9.5 and Canon CanoScan 8800F. Shame on Canon not to have posted this kind of update! Lots of thanks for you Jan!
OSX 10.10.1 + CanoScan 8800F works! Thank you!!!!
I have my ancient and unbreakable MFC-3240C working with OSX 10.10.1 – thanks.
I blundered about so much that my comments may not be much help to others.
First I installed the Twainbridge pkg, restarted the iMac – no luck.
At some point I reinstalled the 10.8 Brother software (last version supported)
and restarted – no luck.
I tried the SANE package, no luck. In System Preferences (Printers & Scanners), I deleted the old MFC-3240C printer (printing still worked, but not scanning), then could not add it back! Tried disconnecting the USB interface and reconnecting, no luck. FINALLY when I turned the MFC off and on, the driver reappeared in “Printers & Scanners” and both printing and scanning now work. What a relief!
Praise be! Thank you!
Pure genius !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you SO MUCH for this! It worked on my PIXMA MP160 Scanner, which is connected to a MacBook Pro running OS 10.9.5. I had lost use of both the printer and scanner about a year ago when my new laptop came pre-loaded with Mavericks (not a fan). I managed to get the unit printing with another workaround (deleting all of the Canon files, then downloading and installing the drivers for Lion), but couldn’t get the scanner working for love nor money.
Canon was no help at all (I hate the “why don’t you just buy more of our products to replace perfectly good ones?” line they always give you after planned obsolescence). I have to use Image Capture now for my scans, but it sure beats having to run to the store and pay for copies of important documents. This printer/scanner was a gift from my mom (who doesn’t have much money), so I really didn’t want to give up on it yet, for sentimental reasons. Thank you so very much for saving my MP160. Developing this software and making it available to folks for free was a really kind thing to do and will help a lot of people that are in a jam with this frustrating issue. You rock!
many thanks to the Author: great inspiration and work!.
I could unearth my Canon 8800f without problem.
Thanks to a french periodical, too ( Vous et Votre Mac) which revealed us Jan Egil’s vital creation.
Great to hear your scanner is working. Hope you didnt bury it under too much earth.
Are you saying they wrote about this solution in that magazine?
Everybody else’s joy and success makes me sad.
I’ve been at this for hours. My MacBook Pro used to work with this MP460 – for printing anyway. I (stupidly) updated to Yosemite 10.10 a few months ago. I’m trying to scan something with no joy.
The laptop definitely recognises that the printer is there and can print but no option to scan within Ps, Preview or Image Capture. I’ve installed the TWAINBridge.pkg and the latest MP460 scan driver from Canon (for Mountain Lion 10.8). Still no joy. I’ve tried turning all sorts of things off and on, reconnecting the printer. Nothing.
The only thing that did work was downloading VueScan which managed to preview and scan the document but then put stupid watermarks all over it and asked me to pay for the software. Very frustrating because obviously it’s possible and easy to get these two talking to each other!
That sucks. Make sure you try reinstalling both the driver and the twainbridge application. A restart first and then one after might also come in handy. I assume you installed both the printing and the scanning driver for your printer, as they are separate.
Brilliant! Works with Yosemite 10.10 and Lide 70 (which I was about to toss).
Installed your TWAIN driver, then CanoScan 5.0 Toolbox, then latest (supposed to be for OS X 10.8) Lide driver from Canon website.
All sweet.
Thanks a bazillion!
Hello…i have been reading about the problems with drivers and OS Yosemite. I have a caon 4400f scanner. i downloaded the TWAIN plug in but with i double click on it Photoshop tells me it doesn’t recognize the type of file. I am using Photshop CC. Any help..much appreciated.
Is this a photoshop plug in you are talking about, or the scanner driver or TwainBridge installer? I don’t have any experience scanning using Photoshop, so can’t really help you there. I mostly use Image Capture, which is bundled with OS X to scan.
Works perfectly with a Canon P-215 on OS X v10.10. Thank you *so* much!
Hi Roman,
I have a Canon P-215.
Can you please explain me how you got your canon work with OSX v10.10.1?
(I’m not a specialist, so I would be very grateful if you could explain it in a rather simple way. Thanks!)
The P-215 does seem to have a driver for 10.10 provided on the canon website. I guess you should be able to just download and install that one.
@Peter Hi! Very simple, 3 steps:
1) Download d14b8mux_m_COT_P_215_v014.dmg from (listed as “CaptureOnTouch for Mac” v1.4)
2) Choose to install drivers only, not CaptureOnTouch. This installs a TWAIN data-source for the P-215 at /Library/Image Capture/TWAIN Data Sources/P215.ds
3) Install the TWAIN bridge from this article
And now use Image Capture (detects the scanner once the top part is unfolded).
@janegil Can’t thank you enough ;-)
Hi Jan
Thanks so much for creating this fix. I seem to be halfway to getting it to work.
Image capture app on my mac 10.10 can now see my canoscan 4400F but it can’t operate it yet. It goes as far as “overview scan”. But no further. Am I missing something?
Hi Jan,
I also downloaded the canoscan toolbox 5 and got a bit further. I can now scan thanks to you but I cant scan film/slides. IT says driver can’t be opened. Any ideas?
Hi Jan,
I got it working. Thanks. No action required.
Thanks for your help.
Wishing you all the best
So you didn’t do anything in particular to make it work? If you did some additional steps it would be great if you would share, as someone else might also benefit from it :)
I’m not exactly sure what I did. I downloaded a whole bunch of drivers that never worked before your maverick fix. Your fix enabled the scanner to be seen by imagecapture app. I then downloaded canoscan toolbox 5 even though they say it is for earlier versions not ios 10.10. everything then worked (canoscan worked via image capture app thanks to your fix) except the slide/film scanner function. Canoscan Toolbox said it couldn’t access a driver for this. But then I noticed a box one can check inside toolbox saying “show driver”. After checking this box it worked.
Thanks again,
Ah. Great thing you got it working then!
Hey thanks so much man. It worked perfectly for my CanoScan LiDE 70 (I’m running OS X Yosemite 10.10.1)
thank you
Mavericks, Ps TWAIN, CanoScan 8600F
works great
Thank you very much!!!! Without this my CanonScan Lide 600F didn’t work at all!!!
Thank you !
My CanoScan works perfectly with Mavericks since I installed this.
Trying to use this to get my CanoScan 8800F working with Preview on my Mac mini running OSX 10.10.1. Downloaded your Twainbridge fix and reinstalled the Canon driver. When I look in Sys Prefs/Printers & Scanners and click Add I still see nothing showing, and so of course it’s still not working in Preview. The scanner always has worked and still does work perfectly with Photoshop Elements. Am I missing something?
You should only have to install the TwainBridge fix from my website and the driver. Also, a restart might be required in order for it to start working. I don’t know if this fix actually works with photoshop or not, as I haven’t tried that myself.
Ah, thanks janegil, the restart did it. All fine now, and thank you so much for the fix. Good work!
Actually, I’ve noticed now that although Preview and Image Capture are working happily, Photoshop Elements has now stopped working with the 8800 because, it reports, there is “no scanner installed”. I do actually need to use all three apps at various times. I’m assuming this must be something to do with the new presence of TwainBridge. Is there a way to have all three apps working?
Apologies, I just tried the old faithful turning-it-off-and-turning-it-back-on-again, which here means unplugging the scanner’s USB cable and plugging it back in again, and P’Shop Elements is back up and running with the 8800. Happy new year!
Thats great! Thanks for the updates, and a happy new year to you also!
Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem to work with Yosemite for CanonScan lide 30. Any suggestions?
The drivers for this seems pretty old. You could try with the TwainSane drivers, MacManus has a guide here, make sure you need the latest drivers that supports mavericks from ellerts own webpage. If that doesnt work theres the option of VueScan, which is a standalone application you would use for scanning, this solution will not work with Image Capture.
Give me a word if you try any of these and figure something out :) I never used the twain-sane solution myself, but I think it should be a good one.
Thank you! Another Canon 8800F now working in Yosemite. Installed, Restarted, Works in PS CS6!
Thanks! Successfully resurrected my Canoscan Lide 70 to work with Yosemite
Well, It’s people like you that give me a renewed faith in humanity! Thank you for everything you’ve done to make this work. I’m now a scanning fool with my CanoScan 8600F under Yosemite on a new iMac Retina. I just needed to fetch the twain plug for Photoshop and run it in 32 Bit mode.
Thanks again for the great new years gift!!
Yay, two in one! Happy new years!
Not sure what you mean “two in one”.
Restored faith in humanity, and a working scanner :P
Works on Yosemite for Canon MX300 – followed instructions and works fine
Thank you!
You rule! Works on OS X Yosemite for Canon PIXMA MP980
Fantastic ! the scanner of my ‘old’ HP LJ 1120 MFP is finally working again on my MBA running Yosemite, after years of being out of use, ever since upgrading to OSX 10.7. The last driver available from HP won’t work, though. So I first installed the libusb and SANE Backend packages found here : (the TWAIN SANE Interface didn’t work for me), and then your TWAINbridge Maverick Fix, and bingo, the scanner is now showing up in Image Capture (under the name SANE, but who cares) So, merci beaucoup, don’t need to get a new scanner, after all and that’s great news.
I also have an old Canoscan 1250U2F, but no Mac driver can be found on the Canon site and the SANE backends package doesn’t support that scanner. No hope, then ?
I have a canonScan 9950F. The scanner was recognized with image capture. I can see it on the top left corner.
BUT it doesn’t go further. Still message “overview scan”. I did also restart. Have I something?
I know also VueScan which I have used until now. But I was curious to see what happens with this one.
Do you have an answer for me? Thanks
Maybe you have to do the overview scan in order to do the fullscan? If not I have not seen anything else like this.
+1 on this…I have the same exact problem sadly…scanner if seen by Yosemite now but just hangs at overview scan. VueScan just hangs on start. Latest drivers available installed. Poop…
Here are some things you could try to do:
– repair file permissions for your hard-drive in Disk utilities
– reinstall the scanner driver and twainbridge
– remove and add the scanner again
– create a new user account and try scanning from this
With the updated version 3.4 of SANE interface for Yosemite, it is now possible to “see and scan” the good old Canoscan N1220U, but the result is a white page (using Plustek driver). Trying to adjust the calibration parameters of the backend gave better results but still not convincing. Does anyone know the correct setting ?
You made my day!!
Canoscan 5200F works with Yosemite using Scan Gear 10.171X driver from Sept. ’09.
Wow super fantastic! Got my CanoScan LiDE 70 working with 10.10! Many thanks.
Running 10.10.1, have a CanoScan LIDE 80, downloaded the above TWAINBridge. When I launch ImageCapture the scanner does not show up. Any help?
Seems there was another guy with the Lide 80 who couldnt make it work. I cannot see any ways possible now to make it work. The TWAIN SANE project lists it as unsupported, with possible changes to this in the future. I also don’t think its supported by VueScan, so I’m sorry, no tips here.
Thank you so much, your installation package saved my day and worked great using Sane with the almost antique CanoScan N670U !
Running Mavericks on iMac. Saw this fix – and installed. Bingo! Scanner (Canoscan lide 70) fired into life after about 10secs. No further action required.
Great stuff – thanks!!
Sadly I’m having no luck with 2014 Mac Pro running Yosemite. DL’d & reinstalled Lide 700F scanner driver and then twainbridge. Scanner used to appear after unplugging from the port & plugging back in, but even though device is recognized under devices, neither photoshop elements or image capture recognize it. Must be a missing link I’ve overlooked. Any ideas?
Did you try the ICA drivers from the canon website? I think they should be working natively (without the TwainBridge fix).
Thanks for the tip, I just did and scanner is functioning again – still need to unplug it from USB to have it be recognized after each use, but better than nothing! I’d previously downloaded the scanner specific driver, which claimed to be optimized for Yosemite, but apparently was not.
As I contemplate buying a new scanner, should I be looking for a non-twain model? And if so, what AM I looking for?
Thanks! It works also with Brother DS600 mobile scanner!
You solved an annoying problem!!!
Jan you are like a god to me. I was going to chuck my Cancan LiDE 60 but now it works again. The buttons on the scanner don’t work, but this is a small price to pay.
Worked for me and my CanoScan LiDE 70 on OS X Yosemite 10.10. It’s the only game in town as Canon is apparently not going to release an updated driver for the 70. One caveat – it does not appear to work with the CanoScan Toolbox app, which I kinda like, but it does work when importing from Preview. I shall learn to live with that! Thank you very much!
I have a Canon One Touch I purchased through Amazon. I have not however had the pleasure of using it — they sold it as Mac compatible a few months ago although this does not seem to be true… accept here. Thanks so much for posting the TWAINbridge. So generous! I installed it and Imgaecapture still does not recognize my scanner. if I understand correctly I need to install drivers. but when I access the Canon driver site it identifies my OS and says there are not any. Is there an alternate way to download drivers?
It’s me again. I did find the driver at Canon for the P150 scanner 10.9. I installed it on two 10.9.2 computers. I then installed the TWAINbridge from here. In both cases the computer does not see the scanner. I tried Imagecapture on both and the Canon P150 program on one. is there some step I am missing besides installing the driver and patch and plugging in the scanner and opening Imagecapture?
Thanks, Danny
Sometimes you have to restart the computer in order for it appear. Reinstalling drivers might also help. There have been several success stories about this. The things you should have to do is install both the printer twain driver and twainbridge from this webpage.
Thanks, I did try that on 2 f the three computers. But I am going to give it another shot. Do I need to uninstall the drivers first or is it fine to just hit install? That’s what I have been doing.
It’s strange, but sometimes when i go to the Canon website it detects my OS and says there are no drivers, and sometimes it offers drivers… weird.
Again, thanks for responding – and sharing your solution!
YAY! I had to turn the AUTO ON – to OFF. That makes the computer find the scanner. THANK YOU SO MUCH!
Great. Happy scanning. Is this an option on the scanner or the computer somewhere?
Actually that was a 10.9.2 and a 10.9.5 computer.
I have a Canoscan 8600F that hadn’t been working for awhile because of system updates–then I found this page. I installed the bridge from here and the Lion Twain Drivers (latest version) from Canon’s website. The scanner was recognized from Preview and everything worked right but hung up at saving the scanned file. I don’t know why. It works fine with Image Capture and I can open the scanned files in Preview which is all I need.
Thanks for allowing another perfectly good Canoscan to become useful again.
Forgot to mention I am using OS X 10.9.5 on a Quad Core Mac Pro (2 2.8 GHz Intel Xeon) with 10Gb memory
Works with canoscan Lide 70. Thanks!
Brilliant – have been using an old laptop until I found this! Works with 10.10.1 on Preview and on CS6. Thank you very much.
Works perfectly on my Canoscan 8800F and MacBook Pro (running Maverick and CS6). This will be a huge help to our graphics team.
Thank you so much Jan.
(If you’re ever in Grand Rapids, Michigan I’d be glad to buy you lunch :-) )
Wow, thanks!! My 4400F is back among the living. I updated to Mavericks a long time ago and hadn’t used the scanner since then, so I was mystified when it didn’t work when I tried to use it. Glad I found your page. My question is… what’s wrong with Apple these days? Shouldn’t they be concerned when their customers’ equipment stops functioning because of their updates?
I have an iMac (mid-2010) running 10.10.1 and a Canon 9950F. I have been through this entire post and only see one reference to a 9950F (Vladimir). Has anyone out there tried this fix with my same setup? Any success? I would like to try this fix but with no successes mentioned here…
He will probably not see your comment and never comment on it. However trying to see if this works or not should be pretty easy ;)
Works with CanoScan Lide 60 + macbook pro_mid 2014/yosemite… Thanks a lot!
This, in combination with the SANE backend (found on ) made my old Lide60 play nice again with Mavericks.
Thank you !
Are you on yosemite btw?
no. I quote:
“play nice again with Mavericks.”
So much for actually reading :)
YES! Perfect for Canon 4400F with Mavericks driver. I was about to buy a new scanner, Thank you so much!
Best regards from Spain
Hi there, thanks for putting this package together, but doesn’t work for Samsung SCX-4200, any thoughts?
People are saying they have gotten this scanner to work using this solution. Make sure you try to reinstall the drivers, replug the scanner and do a reboot.
Works with Yosemite v10.10.1/Canon LiDE 70 and Canon Toolbox v5. Very nice, thank you.
If you start up the MacBook Pro with the scanner connected, new additional instances of TWAINBridge appear about every 20 secs or so, until you end up with hundreds of the little buggers, and the system starts behaving strangely and hanging.
The solution appears to be to plug in your scanner after startup. Only 1 TWAINBridge instance appears, which promptly disappears when the scanner is disconnected again.
It is still a whole heap better than buying *yet another* scanner, and I’m pissed at Canon (and Apple) for just dropping all support. Time was when Macs were the graphics computer of choice, but the big A seem to be chipping away at that piece by piece. Note to self to rethink Canon as a supplier of scanners/printers etc etc.
That does not sound good. I tried recreating this issue here, but only one instance of TwainBridge is spawned with the scanner plugged in at boot, and it barely uses any system resources. Maybe theres a bad interaction with something else in your system :(
Many thanks! You saved me from buying another scanner for my Late 2012 MB Pro running Mavericks. Works great.
Thanks! Worked like a breeze w/ my Canon Canoscan LiDE 60
works fine with Yosemite and Canon 8800F Scanner. Thank you for this great piece of software !!
THANK YOU! I’m extremely grateful! You’ve made my day!
Best regards!
Works great for Canon CanoScan LIDE 600F for which Canon simply says: we no longer support that scanner, trash and buy a new one with some rebate (at least in the States, not in Europe!).
So thanks Canon and thanks Apple for trying to screw me!
And thanks for this site and the solution to that scam!!!
Extremely grateful
Best regards
[…] another option that might just work to get SANE drivers to connect with ImageCapture and Photoshop (especially if you have an older CANON scanner) is (re)installing the that Jan Egil has ready for download on his website. […]
Works! MP500 on Yosemite 10.10.1
Slower than native canon on 10.6, seems to spend time looking for route to pronter.
May have something to do with downloading (from Apple) Canon 3.1 drivers for canon printers?
Haven’t used 10.6 for ages. Can’t really say I have noticed it being unreasonable slow in any way though. I have only used it with the MPR 800 though.
Hi Jan! My name is Pablo and Im from Chili.
I would like to ask you if you know some twain bridge to use my canonscan 9950f with the Mac OS X 10.7.5… Im not very fast with technology and I don’t know what to do… hope you can help me.
I’ve been looking for so long some trick but there’s nothing.
I’m not really sure. You can try using TWAINSane. There is a good resource for this here
Hi Jan,
I have downloaded
and I have installed your TwainBridge Maverick Fix but still cannot get Yosemite 10.10.2 to locate my Canon MP800 to add to the Printer/Scanner list
2 queries:
1. Do I need to uninstall all the old canon MP800 drivers to get this to work?
2. Is there a Yosemite Twainbridge fix?
Thanks for any help!
I use the drivers from the Canon website, together with the TwainBridge on this post. No need for the TwainSane drivers from macmanus’ webpage. Haven’t tested this with 10.10.2 yet, but was all ok with the previous Yosemite versions (10.10.x). Reinstalling both the TwainBridge and the canon driver might help you if you already have installed them. I don’t know whether having the TwainSane drivers installed at the same time messes it up or not.
[…] die Website […]
Worked for my Canon Pixma MP 160 on Yosemite, thanks! I’m just wondering how many perfectly fine scanners and printers will end up in a landfill, just because someone at Apple decided to save the 264 Kb that the Twain bridge requires…
Yeah, 265kb is an awful lot these days!
Woo hoo!!! Another perfectly good CanoScan 8400F about to be replaced (after getting a brand new MacPro and upgrading to Yosemite) saved and working like a charm. You made my day, thanks!
This worked great with Cancan Lide 60 and Yosemite version 10.10.2
[…] clue is that someone says that the Twain driver support was removed with Yosemite, but there is a fix where you get an old Twain driver. It does look ilke installing […]
Thanks, works with Yosemite (os x 10.10.1) and Canoscan lide 90 :)
Thanks a lot !
My Canoscan 4400f is back :)
Canoscan 4400f + Yosémite -> OK
Thanks so much for putting this together! It’s working great so far with the Canon LiDE 600F on my Late 2011 Macbook Pro running Yosemite 10.10.2. Outstanding research and development work, Jan!
Thanks a lot!!!
I can use again my CanonScan 4400f! :D
thanks!!! thanks!!! thanks!!!
Works like a charm with Cannon Lide 30 on Yosemite.
Thank you :)
How did you get it to run? Doesn’t work for me :( (Canon Lide30 on Yosemite 10.10.2)
Did you use any particular driver in addition??
You need the Twain scanner driver in addition to TwainBridge. The Lide30 driver seems to old to be installed in Yosemite at all. It seems someone in the comments had success with Lide30 using TwainSANE I think. Check out macmanus’ post.
Worked like a charm with Yosemite 10.10.1 (14B25) and a Canon CanoScan LiDE 100.
Thanks a lot!
Cannot get the TwainBridge working on my Mac with OS 10.10.2. How do I activate it to work with my ConoScan LiDE 70?
Hi, you only need to install both TwainBridge and the Twain driver for the printer found on Canon’s website. A restart might be needed in order for it to work. Also, a reinstall of both has fixed issues sometimes.
Worked for Epson Perfection 2480. Requires restart.
Thank you so much, everything works again like before. Just run the instaler and scanning is like you never installed Yosemite at all. Worked for me on CanonScan Lide 90
Been able to save files scanned from an HP ScanJet 2400 – which had stopped working ever since Mavericks. Thanx a lot!
Can someone please clarify something for me:
WIth a Canon MP800, I am planning on going from Lion to Yosemite. I can ‘see’ the on my Lion system – /System/Library/Image Capture/Devices/. Get Info says it is 152K and v 7.10
janegil’s TwainBridge Maverick Fix.pkg is 82K so obviously it doesn’t contain So what exactly does it do? How/where would it find to put into the Yosemite system library???
(I understand that I need to go to Canon to get the appropriate scanning driver, but that still leaves the TWAINBridge a bit of a mystery.
The TWAINBridge installed by the application here is reported by “Get Info” to be 270kB and version 8. The wrong assumptions can cause havoc on the answer. Hmmm, perhaps the file could be compressed. If you don’t trust me, you can try to open the package with Pacifist and see for yourself.
Working beautifully with Canon LiDE 500F on new iMac with Yosemite after MacBook died after a short illness.
Just want to add to all of the thanks you have already received for doing this and making it available to us all. Shame on Canon for not supporting their (not so) older scanners – but I guess that’s capitalism for you!!
Thanks again
Yes! It worked for my Canon 8800f. Thanks very much!
Trying to get Canon Pixma MX700 scanner to be recognized by Graphic Converter 9 as a TWAIN scanner. I can’t find a 64-bit driver. I can’t open TwainBridge Maverick Fix because of some security issue that says “Your security preferences allow installation of only apps from the Mac App Store and identified developers.” And I had a cerebral hemorrhage that makes me a bit slow. Can you help me get Graphic Converter to use the scanner in my Canon Pixma MX700? Thanks!
Your security problem can be solved by secondary-cliking (right mouse button or two finger click on trackpad) and selecting open. The ICA driver from Canons website () might work without needing TwainBridge for this site. If it does not work you should try installing the twain driver. I have never used graphic converter to scan, I mostly just use ImageCapture which comes with OS X.
When I select Image Capture using Graphic Converter 9, all of the buttons on Image Capture: Hide Details, Overview, and Scan are grayed out. It didn’t always do this, but I click on something and now I can’t even use Image Capture. There is no ICA Driver at Canon for Yosemite, which is what OS I use but there is one for Mavericks, which is ICA Driver Ver. 3.1.0 (OS X 10.6/10.7/10.8/10.9). When I went back to Graphic Converter and tried to select a Data Source for TWAIN, there was nothing there, so I installed TwainBridge for Maverick, but that didn’t give me an option in the Data Source window either. I contacted Thorsten Lemke at Graphic Converter and he told me it was up to Canon to come up with a 64-bit scanner software. This is a shame. In previous editions of GC, you could click Information on GC and select a box that would open GC in 32-bit mode. That does not exist anymore. I really don’t want to buy a new multifunction printer but I don’t see a way out, considering I can’t even use Image Source.
Anyone have any ideas at all?
Did you try the ICA driver for Mavericks? Sometimes it helps to reinstall the Twain driver and Twainbridge if this is what you are using. A restart might also be necessary
Yes, I did try the Maverics ICA driver, TwainBridge and a reboot. I’ve gone back to using Graphic Converter 8 which you dan boot in 32-bit mode.
I love you! You made my day, week, month and a year. I have an age old Epson stylus DX3800 that still works beautifully, and a brand new Mavericks. I could not get it to scan, but now I do, thanks to you. Excellent!
Will this driver be compatible with Canoscan 5000F on OS 10.8.5 and 10.10.2? Hope to hear from you again and thank you. This will be very helpful if this really works.
I have not seen this working with the 5000F. The drivers for this printer is superold, and won’t even install on newer OS X versions. You could give TWAINSane or Vuescan a shot. Check out this blog post.
Hey, thanks a mint! Your Twain fix worked for HP Scanjet G4050 on OSX Yosemite.
Installed HP driver for OS 10.9. Scanner not seen. Added your Twain from Lion, and viola. Image Capture appears to be working normally. Thank you!
Many thanks for this. The scanner of my Samsung SCX 4200 is working again thanks to you! Very clever of you to figure out the problem and very kind of you to provide a solution for all of us. Thank you!
Very useful fix.
My trusty old CanoScan 8800F works again, although it’s certainly more complicated using it through Image Capture than a direct link from Graphic Converter.
Many, many thanks for this!
Good grief! Thank you!! I have been w/o scanning for almost 2 years – always looking at Xerox as the bad guy ( I have a Phaser 3300MFP ) when it was Apple all along … I shall post your fix on their forums respectively, as soon as I am sure that I’m not dreaming…
Thank you again!!!
Thanks a heap! Worked for Canon MP600R in Yosemite!
I installed TwainBridge, Mav 10.9.5 for KonicaMinolta 1690mf. The scanner works, however, I now have
trouble with some other applications. I would like to uninstall TwainBridge, but cannot locate the app.
Please advise me how to uninstall.
Thank you,
Hi. The file is located in /System/Library/Image Capture/Devices/. You can either delete it by navigating to this location using Finder, or delete it from Terminal with the command ‘sudo rm -r /System/Library/Image\ Capture/Devices/’. A restart might be needed to completely unload it.
Good luck
Great! Worked like a charm with Yosemite 10.10.1 and Canon MP800.
Thanks a mill.
After scanned a few pages, the scanner often was hanging while scanning a new page. I had to turn off the scanner, then power on it again. Some times this would solve the hanging problem, some times it would not.
Wonder if anyone has similar problem?
Hi, Thank you very much! It works with Yosemite / Canon MX310.
Great !
Thanks for providing this, however, it didn’t work for me. I’ve got a Canon Image Formula P-208. I added the TwainBridge, but there is not current “P-208” driver on the Canon site. It detects Yosemite 10.10.2 and says there is no driver.
Thank you for making a fix for the public and providing though!
You need to download the TWAIN driver for an earlier OS X version, which seems to be OS X Mountain Lion (10.8).
Thanks a lot, Janegil!
Following your instructions, my old HP Scanjet 4890 is working again with the original HP application, most of that, in french, with Yosemite OS X 10.10.2!
From severals months I was using VueScan by default.
Merci beaucoup!
Your Twain-Bridge-fix also works with my CanoScan Lide 600F over “Image Capture” in Mac OS X 10.10.2.
Frankly: I would have been lost with my scaner (that isn’t that old) without your easy solution.
This will keep my machine working for many more years!
Thank you very much for such great help.
Greets from Switzerland
Many thanks for this…
Canon Lide 25 now working fine on Yosemite 10.10.2
Works fine with my Canon Mp600
Great Fix !
Brilliant, works with my LiDE 60 in 10.10.2. Many thanks.
[…] 昔のスキャナー(TWAIN)をMac OS10で使うためのアプリを発見しました。 […]
Works with MX700. Thank you for figuring this out!
OMG! It works!!! I have a Canonscan Lide 25 and now… it works! THANK YOU VERY VERY MUCH!!!!
[…] – depuis 10.9, Mac OS X n’est plus compatible TWAIN car Apple propose un pilotes plus adapté à la norme (ICA, Image Capture Architecture). Sans ce pilote ICA, Transfert d’images (et toutes les applications qui utilisent les API de Mac OS X) ne peut donc pas utiliser le scanner. Mais parfois, faute de pilote ICA adapté, le recours à Twain est une solution temporaire. Pour cela on peut (non officiellement) récupérer la gestion TWAIN dans Mountain Lion (dans /System/Library/Image Capture/Devices/ et s’appelle ou sur ce blog. […]
I tried to install the pkg and the installer confirmed the success. But somehow I cannot find the and I was not able to use my MP600R for scanning on OSX Mavericks on a late 2008 Macbook. I tried rebooting, reinstalling, but besides the warning, that the pkg is already installed, it changed nothing.
Do you have any idea what happened?
Did you also install the scanner driver from Canons website? TwainBridge is also installed /System/Library/Image Capture/Devices/, not the normal applications folder, I don’t know if this is where you checked.
This is strange. It seems, that I did the install while a second user was logged in, but not active, on the macbook and this seemed to prevent the app to get into the devices folder. Even the reboot did not change this. Now, after the user was working on the machine again, the, along whith other apps that where previously not in the devices folder is there.
Still, I can’t get my scanner to work. I reeinstalled both the printer and the scanner driver from canons website and did a reboot as well. When I try to scan using canons mp navigator, I get an error message, that the scanner is not available and a window where I could choose a different scanner.
Anyone out there who had the same issue with a mp600r?
Having this sad, I have to add, that I try to scan over wifi and that it worked initially after the installation of mavericks. It seems that one of the last updates broke “my” setup.
I am not sure if this works with the Canon app, give Image Capture a try (comes with OS X).
Image Capture doesn’t show my scanner either. Same for Photoshop. The strange thing is, that my scanner did work in mavericks. Not fully compliant though, I had to use the canon software on the mac for scanning, the scan buttons on the printer did not work.
I start to think, that twain might not be my problem, but something different.
Ok, I’m stupid. At least with regards to the path, as it is clearly stated, that the correct path is System/Library…. and I looked into all other libraries but this one.
So, the file is there, but it still doesn’t work. Do I need the sane drivers as well?
You should only need to install the TwainBridge from this site, and the TWAIN drivers from canons site. Also try a reinstall of the scanner driver if you havent done that yet. There are several people in the comments that have gotten TwainBridge to work with the mp600r, so I think it shoudl be possible.
I found out, that it is not a Twain-problem, but a connection issue. When I connect the printer via USB I can scan via Image Capture. Over Wifi, it doesn’t work. I deleted and reinstalled all drivers without getting a result.
Thanks for your support and keep up the good work!
Works nicely in latest Yosemite (10.10.2)
An OS update killed scanning with my MX700.
Installed the TWAINBridge fix, restarted, and presto!
This is a life-saver – thanks!
Doesn`t work on Yosemite 10.10.2 after install :(
I was so Hopefull…
du you have any solution?
forgott : Canoscan lide 60
Make sure you install both 1-TwainBridge and 2-The scanner driver. Also make sure you try to reboot after installation and unplug/plug your scanner. Sometimes also a reinstall of both 1 and 2 is needed. The Lide 60 has been reported to work by many people.
Works perfect ;-) tanks for support …..
Greetings from Spain!! I am new in OS X (Yosemite now). Like a child learning how to make a computer work… I have a Canon MP140 multifunction device and the scanner didn’t work (i could print normally though). I installed the latest driver (i think maverick) from the canon official website and then your twain fix and the image capture app recognized the scanner properly and scans alright. Thank you very much for your work!!! I really appreciate it… thanks to people like you that share knowledge and habilities world is easier. Living is easy if we all share… Thanx a lot
Works perfectly for my MP600R – thank you!!
It worked like a charm! Thank you very much! I can now finally use my Canoscan 8600F with Yosemite
Oh, thank you so much, it works great! I almost stopped believe I will connect my LIDE35 with Yosemite, but thanks to you I have done that! :)
OSX: 10.10.2,
Scanner: Canon CanoScan LiDE 25
Result: Works great! Thank you very much!
U’r the man! :)
Helped me out with my Samsung SCX-4200R on my MacBook Pro 2012mid (Yosemite)
Doesn’t work with Canon PM220… :-(((
sorry, i mean Canon MP220
Give the ICA driver on Canons webpage a try. I think it was listed under 10.8 (Mountain Lion). I assume you tried with the TWAIN driver.
Hi, thank you – but i have already installed all driver on the canon webpage that i found, nothing works…!
It worked for me. Thanks! I rebooted and pushed the scan button on the scanner. Image Capture popped up on my Mac. Then I had to unplug the scanner and plug it back in. Then it all worked.
STOKED! First time I’ve been able to use my CanoScan LiDE 70 since the OS upgrade!! My hero!!!
Yay! My Canon Canoscan 8800F finally works again. Thank you so much for this fix.
Excellent, smart, elegant solution, many thanks. My trusty Canon 4400F is back in action using Image Capture on a 2012 Mac Mini running 10.10.2. Cheers!
Mac Yosemite – Canon MXX300 Printer
Trying to scan as Canon do not support Yosemite for this printer. Downloaded Canon Scan software and TwainBridge Maverick Fix. Installed but not moved anything.
Canon Solution Menu EX shows message ‘ERROR A driver supporting Solution Menu EX is not installed’.
What am I doing wrong?
You need to download the scanner driver. Canon Scan software is not the driver.
Sorry, a little casual with my terminology. To be sure, I have again downloaded Canon Twain Driver. Same error message when I try to scan from Mac. Do I have to scan from MX300 platen? Some guidance would be appreciated. Thanks.
Try using Image Capture
Tried but no printer visible. Checked Image Capture on my Mac / Canon printer and works OK. Trying to help a friend but his Canon MX300 is not being co-operative. Any other ideas? Thanks very much.
No luck on Pixma MG6620. I would really like to get this working, the dumbass owner lost the USB in his trash piles. Any way you can help? Thanks.
Is that a network model? I think TWAIN is only used when you connect via usb. I have never tried the networked models, so I don’t know how they work.
Thanks so much, this works perfectly!
For anyone searching the internet for solutions, some keywords about the problem below:
My HP Photosmart C7200 series (C7250) doesn’t work with Image Capture on Yosemite (OSX 10.10)
This website’s download fixes the problem. Cheers!
Omg thanks!!! you saved me
dear, when I try to install the fix, have a window with:
Impossibile completare l’operazione. (OSStatus errore 100001.)
why it happen?
many thanks in advance
Apparently an error, also I don’t speak this language :P Try rebooting and re-downloading. I think there is a way to get to the installer log from the menu log when you have the installer running. You could try this
solved first step through security settings menu.
but now there is an error at the end of fix installation.
can you see here:
Im sorry but I dont know the language from the screenshots, so I have no clue what it says. Try pressing +L once in the installer, this will bring up the log window, maybe it will contain more information.
many thank for hint, there are two files locked, than can’t overvrite
Install Failed: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=513 “Non hai i permessi per salvare il file “” nella cartella “receipts”.” UserInfo=0x7fc12850a4f0 {NSFilePath=/var/db/receipts/, NSUnderlyingError=0x7fc128532580 “Impossibile completare l’operazione. Operazione non consentita”} {
NSFilePath = “/var/db/receipts/”;
NSUnderlyingError = “Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=1 \”Impossibile completare l’operazione. Operazione non consentita\””;
installation solved,
I’ve deleted files with CleanMyMac ,
but now I don’t know how can use in photoshop my Canon LIDE 50 :(
for all that need,
I’ve installed CanoScan Toolbox Ver. (Mac OS X 10.2/10.3/10.4/10.5/10.6) for SNOW LEOPARD.
perfection! worked great for my canoscan lide 90, its back to life scanning away!
Thanks so much! This has been a huge help! I was wondering if it’d work with my Yosemite OS, and it did! You’re a huge time saver, keep doing what you do.
Thank you so much. This worked for my Cannon MP460. Yosemite wouldn’t let me scan, and now I can. I now have to go through system preferences to scan, and had to adjust a few things, but now it works better than it did before. Again, thank you.
It worked rigt awaiy with a Canon Lide 90 on OSX 10.10.2!
Thanks you very much for this fix!
Read the successes for scanner made by Canon mostly. Great work.
I Ricoh color laser broke and I replaced with Ricoh SP C252SF multifunction and it copies and prints from my IMAC running Yosemite, it cannot scan. The printer does not appear in the scanner list with image capture or preview.
I used your Twainbridge and installed it, then downloaded twain driver from Ricoh website for Mtn Lion and installed them.
I do not see them in the Devices folder of the IMAC. Tried restarting computer, disconnected Ricoh printer and reconnected it, started printer but no luck.
Any suggestions as to what is different with Ricoh? This is not AirPrint compatible but has a Ricoh app that is supposed to work with iPad and iPhone. Have not tried that yet.
Do I need anything else from the Ricoh site for Mtn Lion?
Thanks in advance for any insight into this.
Is this a network printer. Do you have it connected via USB or network?
Thank you thank you for this! It worked great for my CanaScan LiDE 600F on OS X 10.10.2
It worked for me. MacMIni (early 2009), OSX 10.10.2 Yosemite. Thanks, you saved my HP SCANJET 2400.
doesn’t seem to work with canoscan lide 30 even with all the sane add-ons. i’d like to uninstall. where can i find your installed file in yosemite? thanks.
says right there in the post
Thanks! This fixed my MP800 on Yosemite.
A huge help after trolling the net and finding no solution from Canon.
worked instantly for my beloved old canon lide 25.
thanks ever so much!!!!!
Hey, I want to thank you very much. With your package I could avoid to buy a new scanner. Now my old Canon LIDE 90 works with Yosemite as fine as before!
Good job!
This fix worked for my Pixma MP150. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Thanks for posting this. I have a Canon MX310 which was working fine with Mavericks using Image Capture. I then upgraded my HD to an SSD and did a clean install of Mavericks which then broke the scanning function. Your fix worked.
I spoke too soon. While the scanner shows up in Image Capture, for some reason, it won’t save a black and white image. Only color. This was working perfectly before the upgrade process. I still have my old HD so I will poke around in the library to see if I can put all the files in the correct spots and fix this.
Does this happen with all file formats?
Yes, no file is written when black and white is selected. The scanner goes through the scanning process, but there is no file output.
I am not sure. Did you try saving it as another file format, like JPG or TIFF.
Doesn’t matter the file type. I tried several and no black and white image is saved.
Thank you very much. This worked 100% with a CanoScan 8800F. Great help!
Worked great with my old LIDE35 scanner under Yosemite! Thanks!
I’m running 10.10.3 and have a Canon 8800F. I had been running Mavericks and scanning with Photoshop CS3 without problems, but now have a new computer which came with Yosemite.
I installed Twainbridge and it seemed to do the trick from Image Capture. However, it creates toxic files. First I scanned to jpeg and my computer spontaneously reboots when trying to open the jpeg file. Then I created tiffs, which seemed ok. But I opened the tiff files in Photoshop (CS5 for what it’s worth) and saved them as jpegs. When opening those jpegs my computer spontaneously reboots.
Any ideas?
This sounds weird. You need to delete /System/Library/Image Capture/Devices/ This is the only file installed from my installer.
Could this be the issue of your problem?
I’m running Yosemite with 10.10.2 and this worked flawlessly on my ancient (and much loved) canoscan Lide 35! Thank you so much!
Worked like a charm for my CanoScan 5200F on Yosemite!
Thanks a lot
What is the reason for getting rid of twain? I am assuming it was replaced by some new technology. I wonder what twains replacement is?
They have released a new driver type called ICA. I guess this is fair enough, abandoning TWAIN is however not so fun, especially when ICA drivers are not written for older scanners.
Since you’re not going to reply to my question, can you just tell me how to uninstall TwainBridge. It seems to have infected my computer.
Can you just tell me how to uninstall TwainBridge. It seems to have infected my computer.
Your fix works great for my Canon 8600F scanner with OSX Yosemite 10.10.3 … Many Thanks!!
Worked for me as well! First installed SANE latest version + Twain Bridge from above. Then Canon LiDE 20 is being sown in Printers + Scanners (before it wasn’t). Great work, thanks!
OS X 10.10.2, CanoScan LiDE 600F. Installed TwainBridge (downloaded from this website) and the latest driver from Canon’s website. Still didn’t work. Rebooted and tried a few other things—no luck. It recognized the scanner enough to cause it to go through it’s self-check when the machine booted up, and a couple applications could tell there was a scanner, but couldn’t make it go.
Once the OS X 10.10.3 update installed, my scanner suddenly came back to life. Showed up in the sidebar of Image Capture, and worked perfectly. Still can’t see it with GraphicConverter 9, however.
So I’m not 100% sure whether 10.10.3 fixed something related, or reintroduced built-in TWAIN support? Don’t have the time right now to try uninstalling Twainbridge to see what happens (plus, don’t want to mess this up, since I like having a working scanner).
Thank you, this fixed my boss’s MX700 after he got a new MacBook Pro. Just install and reboot and Image Capture will finally see the scanner.
THANK YOU!!!!! I’ve been without a scanner for months, this fixed it immediately!
Thanks! I have a Canoscan LiDe 90 that hasn’t worked since I upgraded to Yosemite. You just made me a happy scanner again!!!
+1 for your fix! Connected my CanoScan LiDE90 to OSX 10.10.3 when VueScan couldn’t find it. Much appreciated.
I have an HP Laserjet MFP M1005 connected to my Mac which runs Maverick. I wish to scan using this scanner/printer, I installed your TWAIN bridge on Mac and I see a scanner window for the 1st time when I use Preview. However I do not get an option to save the scanned document. Looks like I need to use another scanner driver for the HP M1005. Which do you suggest and the link if possible. I think HP did not have scanner drivers beyond OSX 10.2 or 10.3. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks for the TWAIN Bridge Maverick Fix, It moved the mountain.
I have only tried scanning using Image Capture
Great! Thanks for this! Much appreciated!
Hurrah! Thank you so much. Works on my wonderful old Canon 8400! First tried with Vue Scan, but it didn’t work. Haven’t tried it with Vue Scan again now.
I got my canon 8400F working with yosemite but the film scanning part doesn’t work. Any fixes for that?
Just so you know I wasn’t able to install canons DelDrv control open didn’t work.
Not that I know of, I haven’t used this feature myself. This sounds like it might be software dependent. I don’t know if the canon scanning application still work with the TwainBridge driver. If not, you could try using VueScan, a quick google search make it seem like it might support scanning negatives. Give some feedback if you have any luck ;)
Brilliant! Worked like a charm for my MP500 w/ Yosemite. I had taken to cursing Canon and was about to start (begrudgingly) shopping for a new printer (despite this one still working as well as the day I bought it years ago), and a desperation Google search for a driver led me to you. Thanks a million for creating this and sharing it!
It works with my Canon Lide 35 and OS X 10.10.3. I can scan from Photoshop and the default Apple software. Thank you for providing this fix.
Did not work for Yosemite and Brother DCP-7065DN MFP.
Works for my CanoScan LiDE 90 and OS X Yosemite Version 10.10.3. Thanks!
Jan, Thank you very much! Works great for my Fujitsu Scansnap S500M on Yosemite 10.10.3 and scansnap manager version 3.2 L63. I had started looking for another scanner since I ran out of options…. Found a reference to your workaround here Why can’t Apple figure this out! My scanner works fine mechanically, so why push people to waist resources?
Works with Canon MP970 on OSX 10.10.3
Your TWAINbride fix got my Canon 4400 scanner working again in Maverick, but it’s not working now I’ve upgraded to Yosemite. The Canon site says there is no TWAIN driver software available for Yosemite, and that the 4400 is no longer supported by Canon:
Is there anything at all I can do? I’ve downloaded everything I can find that might work, but nothing has helped.
You have to use the TWAIN drivers for an older OS X. For the 800 I had to use the drivers for OS X 10.7, not sure which one for the 4400F. Several people have reported it working in OS X, so shuld be possible. Make sure you also try to reinstall TwainBridge and the driver.
Thanks for the response. Sadly I have to report that it hasn’t worked. I reinstalled the canon 4400f driver for Mountain Lion, and reinstalled TwainBridge, but my macbook isn’t detecting any scanner at all. I was trying to find where the TwainBridge file was stored so that I could delete it for a clean install, but couldn’t locate it. Is that worth a try? If so, can you advise where I should look for the file? I’m still very grateful that your fix gave me a few months use of the scanner on maverick before I upgraded to yosemite. Thanks for sharing, and for taking the time to respond to everyone’s comments.
Hi. TwainBridge is located in /System/Library/Image Capture/Devices/TWAINBridge. Try rebooting and replugging your scanner if you remove/update TWAINbridge. Several people have reported it working with Yosemite, so it should be doable.
Thanks for the advice but still no joy :( I have also just reinstalled ScanGear to see if that was the missing link, but my macbook can’t detect the scanner at all. I previously removed the scanner from System Preferences, thinking it might be better to search for it from scratch, so maybe that’s where I’ve gone wrong…
Did you try scanning from Image capture?
Image Capture can’t detect the scanner. It is plugged in and the usb is connected, but no apps are detecting it. Have also tried Preview and Photoshop. VueScan can’t detect it either.
Do you have it installed in Printers and scanners in System preferences, or is it not showing up here as well?
It’s not showing up in System Preferences either. It was showing up before (although was unusable), but I deleted it, in the hope that my macbook would detect it afresh, and that would solve the problem. That was probably a massive error on my part.
Did you try adding it again with the “+”-button at the bottom of the list? Hopefully the latest Yosemite update haven’t made anything stopped working.
When I click “+” nothing shows up. I’ve tried typing in canoscan 4400f into the search bar but it has no effect. Is there a really obvious way to get devices to show up that I don’t know about? I was expecting it to show up automatically if it was connected and plugged in.
Works great for my Canon CanoScan Lide 500F on OS X Yosemite 10.10.3. Thanks for this Fix!
Hello, works with Canon MP 530 and iMac OS X 10.10.3
Thank you so much !!! It’s crazy that Canon won’t make any software to solve this issue !!
Thanks again !!
Many thanks for the Yosemite Canon 8400F fix, it WORKS. Keep up the good work to beat obsolescence and help us keep using old but well make equipment.
GREAT! my Canon 4400F now works flawlessly in Yosemite 10.10.3 with Image Capture.
Saves me spending $ 79 on Vuescan
What a fantastic thread, Jan – running since January 2014! You’ve made a lot of people happy and saved a lot of scanners from being needlessly dumped – well done!
I have an iMac running Yosemite 10.3.3 and a Canon LiDE 500f scanner. I’ve downloaded all the packages and your fix plus the last available driver. The LiDE scanner now appears on the Printer/Scanner pane of systems Prefs but when I click on Open Scanner I get a blank scanner pane. Sometimes the pane contains data but greyed out. After a restart, the Scanner resets but that’s it. I’ve tried different several different USB cables – it’s plugged straight into the back of the Mac. Then I saw your note re. trashing and reinstalling your TWAIN Bridge fix. but I can’t find it in the HD/Library/Image Capture/Devices folder – it’s just not there! When I did a reinstall, I was told that it would overwrite the existing program, which it did, but I still can’t locate it. Have you got an exact name so that I can find it via Finder?
Thanks for all the work you’ve put into this, Jan – obv iously much appreciated by a lot of people.
Sucks that its not working. The file is in “/System/Library/Image Capture/Devices”. Notice /System in the beginning. Good luck!
Aha! I wasn’t looking in the right place. Thanks for that, Jan. Found it, trashed it and reinstalled but still no-go. Having got the image on the printer pane, I’ll not give up. Vuescan says “Scanner not connected”. I’ll keep trying!
Thank you so much! Got my old and dependable CanoScan LiDe 60 to work with OS X Yosemite. Thank you! :)
[…] die Website […]
this has resurrected the scanner if my MP530 on MacOS 10.10. Thanks!
I have a Canon LIDE 600f which suits me well. Research scanner driver problems before upgrading from OS-X Mountain Lion to Yosemite and found this site.
I’ve just used the link at the top to install TWAINbridge and installed the latest Canon driver – the scanner worked straight away – excellent.
Thanks so much for publishing such an effective fix.
Canon LIDE 90 – works straight away – wonderful!
Yosemite 10.10.3
Thank you so much!
Works with Cancan 8800F and Yosemite.
Many many thanks!!!!
Thanks so much. I was looking to fix the issue for quite two hours, before i found you help. Now my Canon P 208 II works with other ScanPrograms over the TWAIN interface as well.
Fixed Brother DS600, all in less than 5 minutes and 1 MB! Thank you. Brother kept recommending downloading some pagemanager software that costs $80. Glad I found your site.
Bravo! Where’s the DONATE button?
Oops, I take that back. It doesn’t make a file anywhere, and no file open in any applications. Guess I wasted my time.
Does it scan. I think Image Capture by default saves the files in the Pictures folder in your home directory.
It scans but no file ever appears, and no application is activated. I had to resort to a 10.8 computer to use the scanner.
Are you initiating the scan from the scanner or the computer?
Thanks so much! I hardly knew what I was doing, but I just followed your instructions as best I could, opened image capture, unplugged and plugged in the scanner again (thanks for the troubleshooting tip!), and it worked!! Thanks so much!
Dude, you’re my new hero! My Mac Pro recognizes my
Mustek A3 1200 SE Pro again! You just saved me $300
bucks for a new scanner! Thanks!
In addition, it works through Image Acquire for me.
Not working through Vuescan for some reason.
I actually don’t care though. It works! That’s the bottom line.
Allows Canoscan 8800f to work on 10.10.3 Saved me buying a new scanner. Thanks.
What a lifesaver! my Canon LIDE 50 works with Yosemite 10.10.3, I miss the control panel from the Canoscan Toolbox, but it works! thank you
thanks for the good work here !
just want to mention that its also possible to restore the from TimeMachine if you did upgrade from an older OSX version e.g. 10.8 . The upgrade did not remove the scanner driver for my LIDE90. Tested with 10.10.3
1. open timemachine and move the slider on the right back to a date before the upgrade
2. navigate to /System/Library/Image Capture/Devices
3. select the and choose restore
4. thats it !
thanks, works with 10.10.3 an konica-minolta 4690mf
Wow, your bridge brought my old Canon Lide 35 to life again. Thankt you so much! Michael
Wiped my computer (Yosemite), it was getting weird last term. I remember the Canon Toolbox working at 98% (scan button didn’t display lable). Last night I installed the 10.7 drivers (last from Canon) and got a driver error. :-(
Installed TwainBridge, ran Image Capture, it failed to find Scanner. I ran preview, it worked! Ran Image Capture, it worked! Thanks, I have more life out of my rarely used LIDE 500F. The toolbox is in the trash, but no big loss. Image capture is capturing images, silly smart buttons don’t work. I have CC to do fancy stuff.
Thank you,
Correcton I delete the Cannon Drivers, and it still works! Thanks.
Thank you so much. i was busy to finally get rid of my Canoscan Lide 500F, but now it got a new life with Image Capture.
Thank you! My CanoScan 8400f is working just fine in 10.10.3!
Thank You !!!!
After several years I’m able to use the scanner buttons on my 8800F again.
Why is there no direct fix from apple or canon?
Thank you again.
I have a MAC with Yosemite and my scanner is a Kodak i2600 and this driver not didn’n work.I try to find in the page of Twain and there is not a driver to MAC.
I already achieved that recognizes Kodak scanner with the help of this forum, I hope they serve: P
This is wonderful, enabled me to ressurect my perfectly good Canon LIDE 90 running yosemite on Macbook Retina, thank you!
Thank you very much for this awesome installer!! :)
My hp deskjet 5470c worked with the downloads from this site:
your installer and one more thing..
What I did is, i went to /System/Library/Image Capture/Devices/
and run the executable… I then hit ctl + c and then inserted the USB cable of the scanner which was already on…
I pressed cmd + N and then pressed arrow up and hit enter… ( To run the application again from terminal )
(Basically double clicking it from Finder would do the same)
I then run Image Capture and after some attempts I saw the option Sane, pressed it, but didn’t do anything…
Then pressed the Scan button on my printer and worked like a charm!! Thank you very much!! :)
Thanks very much. Canon LiDE 60 scanner now working great with Yosemite. Previously I could only use the CanoScan Toolbox software, which did work. Now I can use the scanner with Preview and Image Capture as well. First program to grab the scanner takes control, so I close the program, unplug the scanner, and the open the scanner with the new program. Works great.
Thanks again,
I have one question: if I have installed my TWAIN driver first (for Canon MX410), tried that it works with Acrobat XI (which is TWAIN based), then I have installed TWAINBridge and I don’t see the scanner in Preview not in Image Capture – what can be wrong?
I have been fighting with Yosemite and my scanner and my scanner’s tech support and drivers for three days – you fixed my problem in two minutes. THANK YOU. <3
hi will this work with yosemite 10.10.4 and Canon MP830? thank you! :)
Several others have reported it working…so yeah
Thank you very very very much…my 4400f is working again. For free!!!! Not enough word to say thanks. a lot.
Thanks Jan Egil, now my Canoscan 8600F finally works with everything else than VueScan – good program by any standard, but nice to be able to use other things, like Paperless, etc.
Thank you very much. This fix worked for both OS 10.9.X and Yosemite OS 10.10.
I wish I had found it earlier!
The above comment was for a Brother DS 600 Scanner.
Please for OS X El Capitan
Did you try, if so, what happened?
The installer encountered an error that caused the installation to fail.
Installation fails for me too and I can’t use the scanner over USB
I just tried this on a clean install of the latest public beta, and it seemed to install flawlessly. I have not tried the scanner driver, and thus not any scanning yet. Maybe you could try again
TwainBridge cannot be installed on Mac OS X 10.11 “El Capitan”. :-(
The installer encounters an error and quits. Is there any workaround? I would like to use my Canon LidE 500F again.
Have not find any workarounds. See updates on main post for details.
I’m trying to get a CanoScan Lide 600F to work on Yosemite OSX 10.10.4. I just got a new mac and went from the scanner working on my old 13″ mac with 10.10.3, but it’s not working on the new 15″ mac with 10.10.4, saying it cannot open the drive. I’m not a techie, and not very good with understanding the lingo, so please share in the most basic of ways. I tried to download the package, but I cannot open it from the finder window. I get an error saying that “TwainBridge Maverick Fix.pkg” can’t be opened because it is from an unidentified developer.
Can you help guide me?
I got the pkg to install through the security settings on my computer. I must still be missing something because first I get a window saying “searching for scanners.” Then I get an error window that says I cannot open a scanner being used by another application or user 150.0.0. Then I click ok on that error window, and the window that says it cannot open the driver comes up. Any thoughts?
I didn’t install any Twain scanner driver as your instructions say because Cannon said it doesn’t have one for my scanner on Yosemite. I’m sorry I’m not better versed in this tech stuff. I’m trying! Please help.
Great to see you figuring it out. You will have to install the Twain driver for one of the older versions of OS X. It seems the most recent one for you scanner is for OS X Mountain Lion 10.8, try using this one.
Thanks for helping. I installed the driver you spoke of. It said it worked. I didn’t do anything other than install it. Then I went to use my scanner again and still got the error “The scanner is not available when in use by another application or user 105.0.0” I clicked OK and got the “Failed to open driver” message again. Do I need to set something in the canoscan toolbox?
Ok…so sorry…I should have thought to reboot. When I did, it worked! Thank you so much for your solution!!!
I almost gave up on normal use of my scanner, but thanks to your installer, and one small tweak, I was able to use my Konica Minolta Magicolor 1690MF scanner in Image Capture just like the day I bought it.
After installing the TWAINBridge and restarting, I could see the scanner in Image Capture, but it would just jam saying, “Connecting to Scanner…”, and eventually fail.
I know every once in a great while, an older piece of software will not run in 64-bit mode. As a last-ditch guess, I went to /System/Library/Image Capture/Devices/ right-clicked on TWAINBridge, and chose, “Get Info”. Then selected, “Open in 32-bit mode”.
I launched Image Capture again, and boom. It worked perfectly. YAY!
Anyway, thanks again. If any other folks are having issues, this may help.
Great, thanks for letting me know :)
Thanks very much. TWAINBridge worked inasmuch as I can now use ImageCapture to operate the scanner. Canoscan Toolbox still won’t work, but that’s no great loss. At least I can use my scanner again and hope it will still work with El Capitan.
It works but only CaptureOnTouch Lite when used with the CaptureOnTouch Lite Launcher that is provided by the scanner itself when it is connected over USB.
Thank you! This worked on the first try, OS10.10.3
Worked like a charm for the Epson 3170 photo scanner on Yosemite (10.10.4). Thanks very much!
Works like a charm – Thank you so much
(CanoScan 8800F, Mac 10.2.4 & Image capture)
Wow, wow, wow. This was a huge help. Thank you.
After searching and trying many approaches I almost gave up. But your tool works perfectly. Thank you so much!
yosemite 10.10.4 + a humble-but-serviceable canoScan LiDE 70.
…and it works again.
thank you so, so very much.
Thank you! This worked for my Canoscan 8600F.
That is freaking awesome. I was almost on giving up when reading Canon don´t support my Lide600F anymore – but with these tips&tricks it´s alive again. Thank you so much. You´re star. ;-)
Works with Pixma MP500 and OS X Yosemite. Many thanks!!!
works great with Canoscan 4400F and OSX Yosemite. Thank you so much!
Worked first time for me – thanks very much my friend for taking the time to do this for us all!
Yosemite 10.10
iMac – 2009 24″ 2.93GHz Intel core 2 duo
Canon Pixma MP170
Thanks again!!!!!
Thank you! Works in Yosemite well. You saved my perfectly functional 8400f from turning into a pile of e-waste.
Thanks for the installer, it worked wonders for my Brother DSmobile 720D
I wasn’t able to connect to it until I found your website. Thank you for taking the time to help us all with this!
Thank You for Your Work and Time on this issue w CANON SCANNERS & OS X.
I noted in Post by Bogi, that the Download Solution worked with OS X YOSEMITE 10.
My question is if the current Download on Your Link
on YOSEMITE 10.10?
I have an CANON 8800F SCANNER. I installed the CANAON MAC DRIVER PKG (dmg). The Scanner shows up as a Device in FINDER. But Scanner is not listed in either the SYSTEMS/PRINTER-SCANNER Preference PAGE or IMAGE CAPTURE.
The Device functions in PARRALLELS WIN7 PC. My Device is MACMini (Late 2014) YOSIMITE 10.10.4.
Will this Solution Thread resolve this Problem
Have worked for others 8800f, so it should work for you also I guess. You need to install an older twain scanner driver in addition to the package found here.
Can’t get it to work with my Canon mp610. I’m running OS 10.10.5. I downloaded the latest scanner software,which is actually from 2012 and installed the TwainBridge fix. But no go. Also, I tried to find where the Twainbridge was installed but a search came up empty. Too bad. The mp610 has been a workhorse for years and years for me. I was able to get it to print with a driver from another model but I need the scanner function so I guess I’ll have to buy a new printer.
Ha! and double-Ha! I got the scanner in my Canon mp610 to work. After posting here, I decided to give it one more shot. I deleted ALL the files from the Printers folder in my user Library. I added a new one in the Printer Pref with a driver from the mp990 which enables printing in Yosemite (the mp560 driver also works). I tried to scan through GraphicsConverter v.9, which uses Image Capture. No go. On a whim I launched an old GraphicsConverter, v.6, which I remembered uses Twain. And voila! Works like a charm.
OS X Yosemite 10.10.5 sort of works.
Installed TWAIN SANE Interface for MacOS X
.. after which `sane-find-scanner` and `scanimage -L` reported:
device `genesys:libusb:004:008-04a9-2213-ff-ff’ is a Canon LiDE 35/40/50 flatbed scanner
.. then invoked this reinstall
Permission to install each of the above required going to
System Preferences->Security & Privacy
.. then navigated Finder to /System/Library/Image Capture/Devices/
and deliberately OPENed
.. finally! System Preferences->Printers & Scanners [+] found SANE
Clicking that SANE elicited { Open Scanner },
which brought up a simple Scanner GUI window,
which operates the Canon LiDE 35
… but Apple’s Image still does not admit to any scanner.
Unfortunately I haven’t used the TwainSane myself, so can’t help you with that. I think people have used the old Twain drivers from canon themselves. Visit canons-driver page, and install the driver for snow leopard. If this doesn’t work, try rebooting, or also reinstalling the twainbridge.
Hmm, after rebooting Yosemite this morning, SANE finally(!) appears under DEVICES in Image Capture.
Controls (Details) are the same as those when invoking Open Scanner from Printers & Scanners System Preferences.
This is in fact a separate installed in ~/Library/Printers/
which identifies itself as PrinterProxy Version 10.3 (482.2) Copyright 1995-2012 Apple Inc.
I put an alias to in the Application folder,
finding no benefit to involving either Image Capture or Printer & Scanner preferences
I also discovered this morning that the scanner is actually an LiDE 50,
for which Canon released no Snow Leopard driver.
Helped me with my Canon 8600F (10.10.4)
Thank You!
Thank you! This worked on Yosemite 10.10.4 for me for my Canon MP610
You’ve saved me, thank you so much! I’m using Yosemite 10.10.5 and my scanner is a CanoScan 8800F. I prefer using Image Capture and now it works! Oh, I did get the message about not being able to open it because it wasn’t registered with Apple, however, I Googled the go-around, which was to hold Control then open. It was a bit daunting for this 60-something year-old-lady, but dang, I’m so tired of the new not being compatible with the old! Besides, using devices for as long as we can is the green way to go. Again, thank you, I’m so grateful to you. :)
thanks thats brilliant :)
Big thanx. This worked for me post 10.10.5 install, on a Canon MP610.
I am still struggling here. I have the MP610 and running Yosemite 10.10.5. I’ve tried old canon drivers, the most recent mp610 drivers, and the sane thing but after install nothing is happening (even with rebooting). Any chance someone could give a clearer run down with exact links?
I am focussing on getting my scanner working, rather than printing.
Download the driver (link). You can try the ICA driver, it might work without TwainBridge from this website. If not you need to download the TWAIN driver (MP610 series scanner driver ver 13.9.2a), and TwainBridge from this website. Install both of them, a restart might be needed.
Are you trying to use sane to do this, I don’t this should be necessary for your scanner.
Thank you!
It worked with Yosemite 10.10.5, Photoshop CS6 (which can´t run in 32 bit) and my old scanner CanoScan4400F! Great to hear that sound..
It doesn’t work with RICOH SP C250S.
How to uninstall?
Best regards.
You have to delete from the location stated on the post.
Yep! Sweet! Canon LIDE 90 via Image Capture.
Thank you.
You rock!
This was a life saver! I used it as part of a fix to get Brother scanner software properly running in Yosemite.
I can now use Create PDF from Scanner in Adobe Acrobat Pro again! :-)
Right on! Yosemite and a CanoScan 8800F. Thanks for doing the research and making this.
Worked just fine on Yosemite 10.10.5 with a CanoScan LiDE 90. No reboots. Thanks so much!
Thank you! Regained scanner function of a Samsung SCX-4200 MFP after installing Yosemite 10.10.5 . (For those as semi-clueless as me, click the box near the top of this article “TWAINBridge Mavericks Fix” to download the installer. Ah, duh!)
My OS:
Yosemite 10.10
My Scanner:
CanoScan LiDE210
Drivers are current — downloaded ICA driver and LiDE210 scanner driver just now. Still cannot “see” the scanner.
I’m a little nervous about installing the TwainBridge software for fear it may screw something up within the O/S. Will this driver work with my OS and my scanner?
This driver is listed to be compatible with Yosemite, so I guess it should work without TwainBridge. And I have the impression the ICA drivers often is a success. Did you go looking in image capture if you can find it?
Yeah. It’s not there. I’ve tried re-installing both drivers and then shutting down and restarting. Still I get the message that there is no scanner or camera connected. Super frustrating as it was working great before Yosemite.
That sucks. I guess you didn’t try installing TwainBridge, it should not do any harm. It’s also isn’t too difficult to uninstall.
Thank you so much for this software ! Works perfectly with 10.10.5 and my Canoscan 8400F !
Thank you. I can print on Yosemite with my MP750.
Live Long and Prosper.
Hi Jan,
I’ve just tried also the install of the TWAIN bridge on El Capitan.
As you say, out of the box, the package won’t install. but it is not very hard to disable SIP. People can just follow the simple instructions here:
The problem is that, again as you say, even after a successful install, the fix does not seem to work.
I know that you said that probably you were not going to pursue this issue very much, but if you can try, I believe all this thread would appreciate it very much. And you would save a ton of perfectly good equipment from ending up in a landfill.
I’m available for tests, if that helps.
…a minor contribution:
After my message, above, I’ve installed an old copy of Canon’s Navigator EX software and the scanner works under El Capitan. The issue is that this software has a really bad user interface. Image Capture is much more friendly and simple. Anyway… Why does Navigator work with the scanner under El Cap, and Image Capture doesn’t even detect it?
Hi Jan,
I’ve just tried also the install of the TWAIN bridge on El Capitan.
As you say, out of the box, the package won’t install. but it is not very hard to disable SIP. People can just follow the simple instructions here:
The problem is that, again as you say, even after a successful install, the fix does not seem to work.
I know that you said that probably you were not going to pursue this issue very much, but if you can try, I believe all this thread would appreciate it very much. And you would save a ton of perfectly good equipment from ending up in a landfill.
I’m available for tests, if that helps.
I probably will try myself. Quite annoying when it doesn’t work. Just gives me an easy way from all the nagging ;). Took me
I don’t know whether the problem is Image Capture not still using the TwainBridge (and then maybe it would work with other scanning software?), or some other thing. I have noticed some error message in the log (can see this in log in console). I think Apple has gotten more strict with signature checking in applications, but just another assumption.
If I’m not remembering wrong; I think the twainbridge used to run when it was working, as in it was a process that could be seen using ps from the terminal, which it didn’t seem to be now on my computer. Starting the application manually makes it run, but it does not give any output, so I’m really out of clue to whats going on. I am not fancy enough to do Dtrace and stuffs.
Right now I have a machine with Yosemite and another with El Capitan. The former working ok with the scanner and the latter not, in spite of having installed TWAIN bridge (after disabling SIP).
I’ve tried ps on both and here are the results:
Yosemite 10.10.5 (14F27)
ps -A
46750 ?? 0:01.17 /System/Library/Image Capture/Devices/ -psn_0_1233197
46752 ?? 0:00.64 /Applications/Image Capture
NOTE: TWAINBridge was not originally loaded. I’ve connected the scanner and invoked Image Capture and after that it showed on the ps.
Same procedure with El Capitan only shows Image Capture on the ps — see bellow. Scanner is not detected by Image Capture, but shows on the System Report, USB section (see my other post)
El Capitan
1145 ?? 0:00.44 /Applications/Image Capture
As I said, I’m willing to help with any tests and comparisons, since I have both OSs in different machines
Would you mind checking if the argument to TWAINBridge (“-psn_0_1233197”) stays the same across reboots and unplugs/plugs on the Yosemite install?
Here are the results of the ps:
75991 ?? 0:02.16 /System/Library/Image Capture/Devices/ -psn_0_1573248
Unplug, plug
76089 ?? 0:00.64 /System/Library/Image Capture/Devices/ -psn_0_1593733
Unplug, Reboot, plug
515 ?? 0:00.68 /System/Library/Image Capture/Devices/ -psn_0_286790
…another minor contribution:
Under the Apple menu, About This Mac, System Report, USB section, the scanner shows as detected:
Product ID: 0x1900
Vendor ID: 0x04a9 (Canon Inc.)
Version: 3.07
Speed: Up to 480 Mb/sec
Manufacturer: Canon
Location ID: 0x14200000 / 12
Current Available (mA): 1000
Extra Operating Current (mA): 0
Hi, another vote from me for you to pursue the issue with El Captain! :)
I have CanoScan Lide 90, very usesful for work out of home (archives etc.) and it would be great to use it again… I’m in for a donation!
Je tiens à vous remercier, je n’avais rien trouvé sur le web pour faire fonctionner mon scanner Canoscan 8400F avec Yosemite.
Avec “Transfert d’images” et votre package, je peiux à nouveau scanner.
Bravo !
Translation with Reverso:
I am anxious to thank you, I had found nothing on Web to run my scanner Canoscan 8400F with Yosemite.
With ” Transfer of images ” and you package, I can again scan.
vuescan can run a lide 70 in el capitan, but you have to down load the 32bit version, as the canon drivers won’t talk to a 64bit app- if that’s any help. sadly the full version of vuescan costs more than a new scanner
I had my CanoScan LiDE 70 working great on Yosemite thanks to you. That lasted about 3 weeks until El Capitan came along (:
I will keep an eye out here hoping you can get it figured out. Hate to toss a perfectly good scanner!
VueScan 9.5 x32 – 9.5.27 working on El Capitan with CanoScan LIDE 600F (while 9.5 x64 doesn’t).
Thanks so much, it works!
I have Yosemite 10.10.5 and CanoScan Lide 20.
I had tried before with with no success. Fortunately, in that page they referred to yours, and the installation…
A minor thing (which is not TWAINbridge fault, I guess, but SANE’s interface fault): when using the SANE scanner interface (app), and using watch selection of the scanned image with other than 50 dpi, the resulting image is slanted. However, when scanning the whole image it works just fine… Any clue of what’s going on?
Thanks a lot again!!
No I’m sorry I don’t know
Success with my MacBook Pro Yosemite 10.10.5 and Canon MP 610. I was just about to give up the whole thing and purchase Vuescan. I can now print from all apps and scan from image capture.
You rock!
I’m running OSX 10.10.3 Yosemite on a 2008 iMac Core2 Duo.
The installer ran successfully, I think. However, I could not find the Twainbridge app installed using the finder. I tried to re-install with the installer. The installer reports, “Twainbridge already exists!” However, I cannot find the app anywhere on the computer (used both “find” command, and followed the directory tree: system/library/image capture/devices/).
Image capture is not working.
My scanner is a plustek optikfilm 7600i – I cannot figure out if it is TWAIN compliant.
Maybe this will help:
$ sudo find /System -iname “”
/System/Library/Image Capture/Devices/
Jan, het werkt bij mij ook bij canon pixma mp780 in combinatie met 10.10.5 Yosemite. Held van de dag !
Works like a charm with Canon Pixma MX310 and Yosemite 10.10.5!
Canon support response (kudos to them for quick helpful response):
Canon has decided not to create a driver for 10.11 and the PIXMA MX860. However, the Yosemite may work when it is reinstalled. we’re going to attempt to delete the scanner driver from your Mac and reinstall the scanner driver. To delete the scanner driver, please follow the steps below:
1. Open the Macintosh HD.
2. Open the Library folder.
3. Open the Image Capture folder, then open Twain Data Sources folder.
4. Trash the PIXMA MX860.ds file.
5. Restart your computer, then empty the trash.
6. After the trash is emptied, restart your Mac.
Once your Mac has restarted, you can download the scanner driver by following these steps.
To install your printer, please click here to access our Drivers and Software website for your MX860. Download and install the MX860 series Scanner Driver Ver. 14.11.4a option in the Recommended Downloads section.
To download the file, click on the name of the file, check the box to agree to the terms, then press the Download button. Next, click on the downloaded file and follow the prompts to install the new driver. After this file is installed, attempt to scan to assure functionality.
You are my hero! I thought I was going nuts. (Canoscan 8800f to Yosemite 10.10.). I installed your download and the scanner was immediately found.
[…] another option that might just work to get SANE drivers to connect with ImageCapture and Photoshop (especially if you have an older CANON scanner) is (re)installing the that Jan Egil has ready for download on his website. […]
Just a bit of information: my ancient MFC-3240C still works (both scan and print) on El Capitan (10.11.1). I had major problem at some point in the past (upgrade to Yosemite?); I think I installed the SANE package. After the upgrade to El Capitan and a Time Machine restore to a new iMac, scanning failed for a while; but a bit of deleting and adding in Systems Preferences -> Printer & Scanners seems to have got it working again. Please don’t ask for details; I barely have a clue.
I manage to bring my MP150 to life again in OsX El Capitan.
I’m not sure which installation did that but this is what I’ve done.
First of all I uninstall my MP150 from printers like it was suggested in first post here and.
Few posts lower member raven_57 suggested that you delete folder with scanner drivers and I did that also.
After that I’ve installed CAPT driver as suggested and I’ve downloaded and installed MP150 Scanner Driver Ver. 12.13.3 (Mac OS X 10.2/10.3/10.4/10.5/10.6/10.7) from here
I also did reinstall MPNavigator and TwainBridge from this site.
Like I said, I don’t know which installation is the key, but now my Canon MP150 work under OsX El Capitan.
After hours of trying and visiting this website I can now see my scanner canoscan lide 500f. I have yet to get it working.
I meant to say a big Thank-you for getting me one step closer to reviving my relic that has sat since upgrading my computer years ago.
[…] die Website […]
Unfortunately, TWAINBridge won’t respond to Image Capture under Yosemite/10.10.5 on an Early 2015 13″ MBPR with a Mustek A3 1200S. I’m stuck with Mustek’s ImageAquire, which has most of Image Capture’s features in a more confusing interface.
To clarify: The scanner appears as a device in Image Capture, but the scanner won’t respond to IC’s directions. Activity Monitor displays TWAINBridge as not responsive.
Thank you!
I’ve just replaced a Snow Leopard iMac with a new iMac running 10.10.5, and though my old Photoshop Elements could see my Canon LIDE 70, Image Capture and Preview couldn’t, and Canon said there were no drivers.
Having read your article, I put the TWAINbridge from my old Snow Leopard Library into the Yosemite Library, and everything’s perfect. Many thanks for your article – that was the final piece of the jigsaw in moving to Yosemite – I now have *all* my peripherals working perfectly, including the three that have no drivers!
Thank you again!
Fixed my problems with CanoScan 8800F on Yosemite. Now, Preview, Image Capture and MP Navigator can all see the scanner. Thanks a lot!
[…] PDF File Name: Twain scanners in os x maverick (and yosemite) | Source: » DOWNLOAD « […]
Printing to MP 800 under El Capitan?
It looks like the scanning is not possible, but can someone tell me if they are successfully printing to the MP 800 using El Capitan – and if so what version of the Canon software should I be downloading?
Printing works, I think I use the CUPS driver for 10.7 (file version
Voila! I found driver on the Canon website. It is for OS X 10.7 Lion(last supported driver) but works with El Capitan albeit with no scanner function.
There is a corresponding MP Navigator Ver. 2.0.7; is it worth installing even though we know it won’t scan?
And still a mystery is what/how Gutenprint 5.2.10 is related; can it do anything for the printing experience; any comment?
Thanks for your help.
I have almost never used the MP navigator. Might have used it if scanning negatives, printing CDs or so. Since I have mostly been doing “normal” scanning and printing, and have preferred the apple applications, I have no idea how its working.
I guess the gutenprint drivers might work. I have used them on my linux computer before. Give a shout if you try them and they work better. Not a big fan of the new printer preferences with the canon driver in the newer OS X versions. Something about the settings seems a bit funky sometimes. Also the different paper profiles and quality settings makes it more messy.
Nothing works to get my Samsung SCX-4200 to work under Maverick. I’ve tried all that is prescribed here.
I am going to have to take my Mac Mini, late 2012, back to Apple and get its original OS, Mountain Lion, reinstalled. Too much anger and frustration with how Apple is progressing. I do not want another printer as I was advised I’d end up with continuous purchase of liquid ink cartridges; I do not do that much printing and only need b/w; but this is the least of my worries.
It is my lost files in iTunes that has been the biggest headache. I now keep iTunes files on a separate hd; and i back it up regularly.
A long supporter, ran Mac school labs for twelve years until retirement, had complements on an early lab from an Apple team that came to see how our city was going to run an internet ring around our city. I used to know what I was doing; now the changes seem to have no answers.
Namaste and care,
I also have SCX 4200 for some time now, I got through all the last OSXs .
After clean install on new ssd in mac pro and El Capitan, printing is fine but no scanner…
Tried the twaine Sane method – it scans only with Terminal typed command (LOL)
So my only option was to buy VueScan :( -but still cheaper than a new scanner
Hi afternoon,
my old CanoScan LiDE 35 is working on MacOSX 10.11.2 El Capitan, but Using Acrobat Pro (Menu Document, Numerize at PDF format)
As you suggested, I installed all the packages:
-The driver for this model but for the OS X 10.6 version (latest supported).
-“– for OSX 10.11 El_Capitan, download and install these files (in this same order) and restart you Mac after doing so, then your scanner will also show up in the “Print & Scan” System Preferences :
LibUSB for OSX 10.11
SANE Backends for OSX 10.11
SANE Preference Pane for OSX 10.11
TWAIN SANE Interface for OSX 10.11”
but could not see anything in my scanner list. Not possible to install the TwainBridge package for Mavericks / Yosemite.
First it did not appeared in the scanner list in Acrobat Pro (v.8.0.0 of 2006!). Then I read the postbox STEVE JOHNSON, tried to look how it is in my computed (MBP Retina 15′ Late 2013): went there: /System/Library/Printers/Libraries then double clicked on
I do not know at all what is it, but back to Acrobat Pro it worked: I found the scanner with its name CanoScan LiDE 35 and also SANE that I did not tested. I manage to scan a document. My scanner is still not visible in Preview, in Capture, in Preference System, etc.
Thanks all for your constructive discussions, hope it will help.
Thank you for sharing your experience :)
Hi, running El Capitan 11.11.4, also installed all the files mentioned above, and same thing, no go in Printers & Scanners. It does show up in Adobe Acrobat Pro as you mentioned (different path though: File-Create-PDF from Scanner-Input-Scanner: CanoScan LiDE 25), but I get the same freaking message “Release the lock switch, detach the i/f cable and reconnect scanner driver will be closed”. Or rather got the first time, since after trying once and getting the previous message, it just says “This operation is not allowed, since scanning is in progress.” And it will not let me exit the application. Force quit, repeated, same thing. Under Input-Scanner it does offer me to use SANE, which I did, a box appeared saying something about TWAIN the first time which I fail to remember (and now it doesn’t appear again), I just clicked on “ok” or something of the sort and still no go. That’s my two cents.
Hi again, after selecting SANE I do get now a dialog box TWAIN SANE Interface with a few options: Image Source (in this case only one: Canon CanoScan LiDE25 plustek), and a pop-up menu with Scan Mode, Geometry, Enhancement, Device-Settings, Analog frontend, Buttons. I only changed the scan area to A4 (for no reason specifically), clicked on Scan, and I get “Error during device I/O”. At least now it cancels the procedure and I don’t have to force quit. I might give it a try later but I don’t think I can do much more.
Canon lide35 THANK YOU
Canon has updated the imageFORMULA P-150M Personal Document Scanner drivers!
P-150M TWAIN Driver Version 1.5 and CaptureOnTouch Version 1.5 for Mac OS X 10.4-10.11.
You can download them here:
Now i can finally upgrade to OS X El Capitan
Works perfectly with the Samsung scx-4200 and 10.10.5 THANKS!
Hi! Thanks a million! This solved scanning with my PIXMA MP150 under Yosemite.
if you can t wait for that, I would suggest you to consider buying a new scanner have a look here for some Mavericks-supported scanners
Dear Jan Egil,
Your programming-skills have helped lots of visitors of my website.
Kudos to you !
I’m sorry to hear that your TWAINBridge-(re)installer doesn’t work any longer under OSX 10.11 El_Capitan due to the SIP (System Integrity Protection).
Please note : there’s a simple trick that has solved the problem caused by SIP in similar cases :
UPDATE : from OSX 10.11 El_Capitan on, you will see a grey NoEntry-sign when trying to access the System’s “Filters” folder ; this is due to El-Capitan’s SIP (System Integrity Protection) feature ; to solve this follow these extra steps :
instead of moving your self-made Quartz-filters into the ~/System/Library/Filters folder, you should move them to the ~/Library/Filters folder
since that last folder doesn’t exist by default, you will have to create it first
to do so, go to ~/Library in a Finder-window and click on the Sprocket-icon (a.k.a. GearWheel-icon) and select “New Folder” from the pulldown list
when prompted, enter you administrator’s name & password to allow this new folder to be created
when done, move your self-made Quartz-filters info this newly created folder at ~/Library/Filters
Can you please see if this solves the incompatibility of your TWAINBridge-(re)installer also ?
If so, can you please update your TWAINBridge-(re)installer for all of us ?
Thanks, Best Regards,
Yes please give it a try, or we’ll be struck with paid VueScan :)
Worked great for me — CanoScan LiDE 600f with Yosemite 10.10.5
Thanks very much
Works for me in my C5280 HP Photosmart. I Know, eventually I have to change my OS and my “all in one”, but this work like a charm in Maverick 10.9.5. Thank you man.
I tried this for OS X 10.11.16 and upon attempting to install the TWAINbridge, error message popped up stating specifically it is not compatible with OS X 10.11.16. This is really really really bad news for us here – we’re a school and the Canon 4400F with its slide scanning capability was critical for our use. Apple: did you consider the effect of this change on users like us? !!!!
Still having issues with my canon 4400F. I’m using the latest version of mavericks, I’ve tried the canon driver + this twain bridge and the scanner doesn’t read anywhere on my computer, through any application. Any thoughts?
Hi. Thanks for the help (including the other comments). I finally got my CanoScan 8600f working under El Capitan 10.11.6. I did all the installing of the SANE stuff, disabled SIP to install the Mavericks TWAINbridge, installed the 10.4-10.7 8600f driver from Canon, in different orders, and didn’t get anywhere — nothing would show up in the Printers & Scanners preferences or in ImageCapture.
Given that some people had success with 3rd party scanner software, I downloaded CanoScan Toolbox 5.0 (for OS X 10.4-10.7, I think). It installed OK. I ran the app and my scanner whirled into life!
The CanoScan Toolbox app is pretty terrible, but it works well enough for the amount of scanning I do. At one point I hit one of the buttons on the front and the app seem to lock-up, so I just stuck with using the “save” button in the app, which brings up all the settings I need, and use the “scan” button at the bottom.
So, if you have a CanoScan, I’d try installing the old CanoScan Toolbox 5.0 software and the relevant driver (don’t forget to choose Lion or older as the OS or it will auto detect El Capitan and say there’s nothing available) before going down the path of TWAIN SANE insanity, as it might not be necessary.
Great to hear that you made this work. Maybe this will save someones old scanner :)
Hi, I need assistance on how to get my CanoScan Lide 90 working on my MAC with yosemite 10.10.5.
Thanks to this very helpful website, my Canon Lide 70 scanner is now working on Yosemite 10.10.5
*thumbs up*
Hi all,
Twain? Maybe anybody can help me fix my problem.
Here: a copier UTAX CDC1625 (=Kyocera…)
Problem: only Twain-Driver for WIN available.
Here on OSX Lion I can not use this Copier/Scanner together with Vuescan.
I COULD use Parallels ore something else. But my dream is: Use the scanner with Vuescan on OSX Lion.
Now I use the Scan-to-ftp funktion but this isn´t really satisfying
Any idea what could be done?
Jan, thank you for rescuing my CanoScan from Mavericks obsolescence! This worked like a charm.
My Canon LiDE 500F just works fine again! On MacOs 10.9, and tried with Photoshop CC and Acrobat too!
Hey, everyone. I have a canoscan lide 90 and researching a little, I thought it would w